People of color & for that matter every individual needs to take responsibility for their own lives & stop blaming white America for their problems & hardships. Thus, transforming it into whatever ad execs need to do the tick the box for corporate. Create A Focus Group To Help You Develop Content, Want to represent a variety of groups? By comparison there are aprox 4 featuring white male black female. You arent good enough to even get a black man? Take a look at LinkedIn or anywhere else you see digital or print adverts and its predominantly black females. Thank you! I would think that minorities, especially blacks, would and could argue that for decades they were grossly underrepresented in advertising and theyd be right. Its the only way to get them to change, and it does work. My husband pointed this out to me some time ago. And that white mans burden schtick is tired old racist pap. And we have not noticed it and allowed it to happen!! Modern Disney loves her plan! But the people behind it are telling you its all for a good, caring cause, so how can anyone possibly argue? Ive never gotten that impression. Nice idea, Timothy, but I doubt that would solve anything. Should we start shutting down and burning down communities to highlight this fact? Never mind that I even backed up my argument with official Census numbers. I do think there are definitely some sinister forces intermeshing here globalism, socialism, and extreme greed. James Gilbert, CloudCherry, 13. If inclusion is part of your culture and mission, it will show in your campaigns and wont feel like a marketing tactic or gimmick. If Im watching TV, and there are, say seven commercials on before another, often annoying, show promo during the long commercial break, six out of the seven commercials have black people, or mixed couples. Has anyone else noticed the complete absence of blonde haired men in TV advertisements? If only the other 95 percent of the U.S. population would do the same. Advertisers, be aware Im not alone. And Im sorry, but stuff like gender fluiditywhere I read many times that these folk sometimes feel like they want to be female, and other days, they feel like they want to be male. I think the dramatic shift in commercials is very odd, mostly because I cant quite figure out what corporate America is trying to do. The biggest lie I see every day in TV in ads is mixed couples with a white husband and black wife. Now theres an idea, Jay. Industry Perspectives on the Transition to a Multi-currency TV Market, Trends in Agency Compensation, 18th Edition, A Diversity Report for the Advertising/Marketing Industry (2022), There is a tremendous value in being part of the ANAs strong network of brands The Ask service validated the research that my team had already done [and] saved us time. Im not a writer and cant articulate the story like you did. These cookies allow us to improve the sites functionality by tracking usage on this website. Having the belief that you can constantly improve yourself and affect others more positively. Im thankful my husband is sometimes rough and insensitive at times about whats going on in the world. I bet Im not alone.and the funny thing is, I am not a straight White male. I dont post racist or incentive posts or replies, dont promote violent or Illegal activity, no abusive language or hate speech. Theyd hire a token white guy and a token Hispanic, no Asians. Hell, I have a hard enough time dealing with all my own female hormones and emotions I dont need another girl in the house to contend with (I have two little girls who will soon enough be teens with hormones Ill have to handle as well!) Which I guess should come as no surprise, as insulting peoples intelligence seems to be about all most advertisers are good for anymore. Diversity in TV advertising has improved in the ensuing years. Your article was on the top page of my search but it was on DDG. This is NOT the same country and society it was 60 years ago. All combos you can think of. My question to you on this general subject is is all of this the result of advertising producers or at the directions of the advertisers? I dont trust American corporations any farther than I can throw them, but I dont trust a lot of advertising copywriters, either (present company definitely excluded, of course!!). I am disgusted by all of this. Oh, thank you, Anonymous. Dr E Michael Jones has written extensively about this group of people in his book The Jewish revolutionary spirit. Again, youre not racist just observant. I love me some big broad shoulders, massive biceps, and masculine moxie, like my husband has, yum. Even more than Limu Emu and Doug do. Its so absurd and annoying. Ill remind myself you said that the next time Facebook refuses to let me advertise this post due to what they have deemed inflammatory content.. Even at that age, consumers can tell when a brand is being opportunistic versus truly being committed to a cause or community. Constructive feedback and criticism is the way to make your voice heard and hopefully get someones attention. If that were true, why dont we see more Latinos in ads? Then, make sure you do it. I went on a two month road trip Nov-Dec. 2020. It wasnt long after that that the cultural thrust of their products became urban and there wasnt much whiteness left to them, so this has been going on for nearly 30 years now. The reaction by brands and advertisers to George Floyd and the BLM movement has been misguided, disingenuous, and, as you say, laughably transparent. History shows some of the first slaves in America were bought by other blacks, there were also white and Indian slaves, Chinese slaves, you name it we have all been slaves at one time or another, slavery was not right who ever pushed it, and it still exists around the world today. . While Im sure that some of what we are seeing is driven by good intentions, Im also sure that a lot of it is driven by politics, fear of cancel culture, and cynical attempts by brands to hitch their wagons to the latest hot-button social issues. Are tv ads only meant to target black purchasers? Glad you found us, Kristen. For example, how often do you see a father and son interacting in a commercial. The current state of race relations goes back to the 60s with LBJs civil rights Bill. Why not call it like it is and show people for their real culture in commercials not this forced crap that they throw upon us. Just look at the money they control, ungodly amounts. In Pirates of the Caribbean 4, the white Christian male character spends most of the movie tied up or making mistakesand it ends with him fatally wounded and dragged underwater. Use Brave browser instead of Google; get off Facebook; find an alternative to Twitter. Correct. I live in Saint Louis. I am sure you are speaking tongue in cheek, Kirk, but, the world being as it is, I have to go on record as saying that I dont condone any violence. I perfectly see Michelle FHs point she is correct, absolutely. Ever see a hiking ad with people of color (POC) that look completely out of place? Great post, Anonymous. Pierce Brosnan is not the same physical type as Connery. Exactly! Why do so few women work as coal miners? I love this comment. The Cranky Creative. Now imagine how much I loathe the crap thats being dished out in all forms of media, but especially commercial advertising. I am so sick of seeing this. African American families living in 2 million dollar, mid-century modern mountain homes, driving 60K cars. Its almost as if, as you say, studies like these are meant to shape reality rather than reflect it. Totally agree. Just last week, I tried playing the demo for a long-awaited Nintendo video game called Splatoon, which sees cute little squid characters shooting brightly colored ink at each other in a battle to paint the most territory. find one blue eyed blonde male on tv or movies anymore. As you can imagine, and as we have discussed here, whites and (especially) Hispanics are grossly underrepresented while blacks are grossly overrepresented. If black people (12.4 percent of the population) were represented proportionately in TV advertising, just 3 out of every 25 characters would be black. There is something very disturbing about the emasculated effeminate girl men being pushed in our society. The original tweet: The NHL is proud to support this past weekends Team Trans Draft Tournament in Middleton, Wisconsin. And based themselves within Columbia University in NY. Read about them. Get society to abandon the white male by removing him from every situation. Poll your current customers, find out what they feel shows diversity and use what they say. and planned cultural change. As a guy who runs a blog focused on advertising, I feel compelled to follow the social media accounts of industry trade publications such as Ad Age, Adweek, and Digiday. I also notice that when there are white people in commercials with blacks very often the black people look good, trim, sharp, intelligent and the whites look scraggly, dorky, fat, dumpy. Your comment about the blacks throwing a fit when a white police officer kills a black person, kills me! Just like I resent, though I am a woman, that when a white man usually on psychiatric drugs goes nuts and shoots people, its white rage right along toxic masculinity and other clap trap. Maile Keone, Listen Technologies Corporation, Using diversity as a strategy to sell more or to better appeal to your audience is exploitation and appropriation. Corporations ran the world and kept people controlled with mindless TV as one mechanism. I noticed the shift in black over-representation all the way back to the Obama years. Then stop buying General Mills products. Thank you. Right you are again, Robert. Advertising clearly misrepresents the US demographic. Show men of color as successful and attractive while white men if you show them at all are fat and stupid. I started to wonder why the vast majority of mixed relationships in ads were black male-white female and not the other way around. I worked at DFW Airport for 30 years and I did everything in my power to keep my sexual preference hidden form all my coworkers. If the advertisers followed the US population demographics itd be one thing. My television watching consists primarily of Green Acres and Hogans Heroes on METV, but that doesnt exempt me from the awful ads misrepresenting the public. So many have been canceled, deplatformed, or branded as racists for speaking the truth that I think a vast majority are now scared to even engage in the discussion for fear of losing friends, jobs, their reputations, etc. Hey, dont get me wrong. Personally, Id like to see the government reclassify these high-tech companies designations changed to utilities which would most certainly stop them from censoring the public as public utilities are forbidden to do any kind of censorship. I dont feel guilty. Hi, Dave. Im of the belief that our brains wont simply rewire from group and gather tendencies, no matter how hard we try. Below are industry tips on just a few of the steps that brands can take to make a positive . What marketing genius came up with that concept? Great point, Brad. TV ads: why whites and straights are out - spiked Of course I think women should be paid and treated equally with men for their work, but these equal rights in the work place are not what the feminists cause is really all about. At the last moment, the kids cross paths so that granddaughter goes to grandpa, and grandson goes to grandma (to bake cookies and make the beds, I suppose). LBJ himself said about this act in 1964, we have the [black] vote for the next 100 years. But even a decade after this atrocious act, I can remember working side by side with many, many blacks at a Houston oil refinery who just wanted to provide the best they could for their families. But, as I have said, the biggest problem with this forced-diversity agenda is that its a bullshit game anyway. But even before that, we had the social justice movement which fostered entitlement in some groups and programmed so many young white people to feel guilty about being white. 5. I am wondering if there is a way to get this information and observations out to a larger public forum? Multiracial images. Even if they use a purple clown. I too see the stupidity in it, and resent and push back against it. If you note the 30 posters on the walls, there is one white, straight male. (Thats why he founded Jeremys Razors as an alternative to Harrys when that company pulled its advertising from The Daily Wire after a social media influencer with two followers complained about an on-air discussion about gender dysphoria.) So advertising does no good to the advertisers because I flip through all these commercials and TV shows. As a marketer, I understand that maybe advertisers are trying to reach new customer groups. We knew this was coming, and are not struggling for reasons like the normies do. How brands approached diversity and inclusion when creating Super Bowl Has anyone or can someone post a list of ad sponsors and companies that promote fake advertising? Makes no sense. Yes, I too believe this is an agenda for some, and not just in advertising, either. She is going to lock him up for decades and then release him? I do think the movement several years ago of #OscarsSoWhite had a hand in this. TV is unwatchable now, its vile. I came across this post as a result of a duckduckgo search specifically asking about the subject because for this reason and many others, I no longer use Google services unless absolutely necessary. The foreign-born population was only 5% in 1965 compared with 14% today. Its really amazing how poorly these companies treat their customers and potential customers, especially compared to a brand like Chewy that works so hard to deliver positive experiences. White kids, really all American kids regardless of race, are being Blacked/Africanized we can easily see. Sure you might have a few exceptions here and there, but sometimes stereotypes are actually true. They have many corporations with their HR divisions and advertising departments all drinking the Kool-Aid. My question is how do so many different advertisers all develop the exact same racist propaganda? some complain about the fast food ads, and some (or ONE person who wrote an opinion piece?) Im guessing you just watched Karate Kid? (See inset.). Eroding trust means consumers are less likely to be brand loyal overall. I dont feel guilty about being an upper white middle class citizen but I am feeling a bit offended because advertisers of TV commercials are completely ignoring their main buying group of the population. Criminally inclined blacks dont burgle anymore. They are a very loud and sometimes violent minority. I really feel sorry for the kids being born today. As Jeremy Boreing of The Daily Wire recently acknowledged, there arent a lot of options for disenfranchised consumers who dont want to give their money to woke corporations. People of color in commercials usually do not get my attention and I do not buy their products. Garbage collectors? One of the things that concerns me most about this topic is how many brainwashed people are so eager to dismiss us the people who dare to speak out about the ridiculous mishandling of representation in advertising, entertainment, etc. Who is committing the crime currently?.. A breath of fresh air. The advertising world has long lagged in diversity, but some agencies Why not? No wonder black fatigue is becoming a thing. As one of my readers likes to say, The End is surely near., Sure could use a vacation from this bullshit three ring circus sideshow of freaks. It basically said ALL WHITES ARE RACIST. Maybe this is why advertisers are pushing these social agendas?? In the 1940s, certain studios would have a black janitor who sacrifices himself for the white male hero. We know the key is authenticity. For example, hire a woman to communicate about womens issues. We will never be rid of it. Thanks, Jackson. So much truth here, especially in the fact that so many political, social, and religious agendas and conventional wisdom are driven by big-money corporations (Pfizer, anyone?). Amen to that Debra!!! And lets be succinct here- it isnt the northern border that is the problem. Its all so insincere. The ANA asks you to accept cookies for performance, social media and advertising purposes. Good on you for telling advertisers what you think, Greg. Could black players in the NHL then foot the bill for this? Here in the East of England in the county of Norfolk I hardly come across any mixed race couples in my town. Diverse thoughts are contagious, and they add significant value to the ideation process. It is because they loath to present young white men as heroes or role models. I see about 3% of Asians and less than 1% of Hispanics in commercials these days. People are starting to hate them. Ive always thought that rule number 1 in marketing is to know your audience. Check out this childrens cereal from Kelloggs, the box of which encourages young kids to choose their pronouns or even make up their own. An industry filled with media creators so oblivious to human psychology and so far up their own pretentious asses, most couldnt portray a believable version of reality if their clients corporate profit-sharing plans depended on it. The way I think of it, if I was an alien circling the Earth in my spaceship and the only thing I knew about the human race was from what I saw in tv ads, then I would have to conclude that most families consist of a black dad, a white mom, two very light skined children, and, judging by the huge modern kitchen, are living in a beautiful house. And even further, every time a black person is shot by a policeman (white or black), the media and the black community goes into hysteria. You are simply noticing the obvious mile-wide chasm between the real world you live in and the forced-diversity agenda that seemingly all brands and advertisers are foisting upon us daily. There are over 80 commercials currently airing that feature black male white females in romantic relationships. By simply taking the time to survey a couple of POCs in your target audience, you can create a more authentic campaign. If enough people are dissatisfied with the ads they should quit purchasing that companys products and thus let them know how they feel. Also cartoon ads having black cartoon characters. Not sure what the solution is. 5% are other religions. If 60% of their sales go out the window theyll care, because we all know the only thing corporations care about is money (assuming all 60% of white Americans feel that way). It really has very little to do with cultural norms and more to do with economics. They are trying to do this to push off the negative view of investment houses after the crash. When whites came to America the Indians had slaves, they killed other tribes and made slaves of the women and the young. White boys dont want anything to do with these girls. Ive read that White male commercial actors are being dropped by Agents or not being able to secure representation because the employment opportunities for them are dwindling to almost nothing. I remember in 1987 when Grand Metropolitan from Britain paid the astounding amount of $12 billion dollars for the Pillsbury company. Is it some sort of long-overdue come-uppance for having built the modern world we live in today? Forced diversity. I was never this way before but Im tired of turning on my TV or streaming service and wondering if Im watching a channel from Nigeria. What I resent is the corporations and the media with their money-motivated catering to what they decided we need and want or rather should need and want. They are grooming young minds. Share Real Customer Stories. A voice of reason on the net? Thank you for calling BS on the misrepresentation and unbalanced perspective in advertising. It's never a mixture of an Asian, Indian, Hispanic, Middle eastern men or women in any of these interracial relationships. As a Communications major in college in the early 70s, Public Relations courses I took stressed the importance of quickly putting a lid on any negative news on your client company, being transparent in what happened, getting it quickly under control, and telling the public how you were correcting the situation. We also noticed several auto agencies running the same awful holiday ads from the year before were looking at you Ford Trucks. Therefore, not only does the new definition fail to capture the full meaning of racism; the definition is itself an example of the anti-white racism being taught to our children.. Or let me correct myselfthe race of the victim is mentioned, but not the perpetrator in those cases. Thank you for putting into words what has been bothering me for the last two years. I have noticed such a drastic change in the demographics of television commercials. Im willing to do my part. Or is that Deltas desired customer mix? There WAS a time in the US when blacks and whites dressed the same, enjoyed much of the same music, went to the same civic celebrations, etc. Think about that. Let's talk about forced diversity in TV commercials Protest, boycott, call, write letters. And that the belief in a God or divine spark within is a total lie. They were landed, like me. Im still postulating. Just like BLM is a terrorist group. It seems like the kind of thing that should reach a more nominal ratio in time. Actually, If you watch TV ads in the UK these days, you will see tokenism a group of black people with one white friend. Patrick Ward, High Speed Experts. The reason more white people dont speak up about issues like these is because they fear they will be labeled a racist!! Where are the Hispanics? I doubt either are accurate. I believe most everyone is getting tired of race, gender, and politics infesting everything from advertising to sports, entertainment and beyond. As a blue-eyed blonde woman, I havent seen anyone that looks like me in tv commercials for quite some time. Dont worry about being politically correct. But the people behind the ads are all for this. We expect this from brands (like PETA) whose missions are tied closely to such issues. I believe it, Janet. But the truth is, the Muslim population in Western countries like the United States is neither vast nor diverse. unless he is placed beside a Nubian Goddess as his love interest or something. Im a white senior male and a retired electrical engineer. Although blacks have made inroads into white suburbia, the blacks in most commercials have mostly been dyed lily white by Madison Avenue. And it is not just advertising. It would be more realistic & more palatable if companies would use the actual or real percentages of interracial couples, races & genders instead of trying to make these things as absolutely above normal or actual numbers. One last point. This has been one of my favorite blogs, especially this post about diversity in advertising and commercials. I have been digging into the people behind this for nearly three years now, trying to understand who they are and what their plans are, and the phrase truth is stranger than fiction doesnt even begin to describe it. The obsession with 'diversity' in advertising feels a little sinister. Etc, etc Today, I dont understand what they are doing from a marketing perspective. The irony is most young suburbanites who care about the issue choose streaming services to avoid or skip the ads anyway. I hate to say, but I think it truly fuels the fire for even more racism. NAACP, BLM, George Soros, Antifa, stupid jock groupies, affirmative action laws. All the rights and benefits one could have living in an urban area ARE afforded to all. Thats a hefty payload of Truth you just dropped, Kris. This is an advertising blog, after all. This is so fake, who fights in our wars? I live in Canada and its the exact same thing here as well, 73% of the population is white yet nearly all our advertising features mixed-race couples predominantly with a white female and black or now sometimes Indian spouse, and mixed children, but it gets worse. Thank goodness somebody voiced what I have been thinking for days. (Look into Klaus Schwab and his buddy Yuval Noah Harari, the World Economic Forum, the annual Bilderberg meetings, and The Great Reset if youre curious, but do it using a web browser other than Google maybe Brave or Qwant to get the best results.). Is this social engineering or some type of reparations for past indiscretions? I hope that we can stop going down this road before its too late. Spot on Dave as a former MarComm professional I feel as you do. In reality, however, Muslims account for 14.3 percent of Londons population, and black Africans 7.9 percent. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Id also like to note that DuckDuckGo is now following Googles lead in censoring and suppressing information that its owners dont like. Diversity is great and was much needed in the entertainment industry. Do these people even realize theyve made straight white males one of the most discriminated-against groups in America? I am not a racist. Not when theres an agenda to push! As others have posted, advertising is but a cog in the machinery. Black people are generally not known to be into camping in freezing weather, or things such as bungee jumping & cliff climbing. :p. Scratch Duck Duck Go. Great points, G! Im not talking about changing demographics. There are WAY TOO MANY FOLK EARNING their LIVINGS! That said, I think you expressed yourself quite well. As a Delta frequent flyer, I cringe every time I walk down the jetway. And sorry, they were NOT rich white guys. Movies and tv followed the same trend. Never mentioned is the fact more white folk are shot and killed by the police than are black folk. Ways diversity and inclusion will change in 2021 - Fast Company But I am still trying to work in my mind why advertisers, particularly the advertising companies, are such willing participants (I understand why certain multinational corporations are pushing these agendas).
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