In 2010 Christian Union brought Intelligent Design expert Walter Bradley to Princeton and its Ivy League Christian Observer has showcased Discovery Institute Senior Fellow Michael Behe, author of the influential ID book Darwins Black Box. 2004 0 2006 22,200 2009 19,500 2005 67,000 ( 50K AFA Radio ) A lock () or https:// ensures that you are connecting to the official website and that any information you provide is encrypted and transmitted securely. 2005 267,850 Jones also inveighs against the practice of yoga, writing, The god of gay marriage and yoga is not the transcendent personal Creator of Scripture, but the divine self within, who creates its own reality and the laws to go with it. 2004 40,000 Is Compassion International a nonprofit organization? In the early 1980s from his state department position, Abrams would become a key player in the Iran Contra affair in which US weapons were sold to Iran to finance the Contra insurgents that were mounting Compassion International | Charity Ratings | Donating Tips | Best Truth In Action Along with Cromartie, other Villars participants included Howard and Roberta Ahmanson and top Fieldstead & Company leaders, Coalition on Revival steering committee member Ted Baehr, Christian Reconstructionist (and COR member) theorists George Grant and David Chilton, World Vision Vice President Evon Hedley, multiple leaders of Food For The Hungry International including Darrow Miller, conservative evangelical strategist Herbert Schlossberg, and journalist Marvin Olasky one of the leading intellectual architects of George W. Bushs Faith Based Initiative. 2011 73,800 2005 1,037,900 In 2006, Ssempa received an honorary degree from PBU in 2006 for his ministry of compassion to HIV/AIDS victims in his native land. Listing for: Regency at Bluffs Park. 2004 74,100 2011 3,000 2001 0 One of the most prominent members of the Fellowship (according to the Billy Graham Archives at Wheaton College) was the late Nixon Administration lawyer and hatchet man Charles Colson, who was personally groomed as a Fellowship leader by longtime Fellowship head Doug Coe (Colson has also been one of the most frequnetly featured speakers at The Gathering.). 2005 937,818 2010 81,623 Evangelism Explosion 2011 2,530, The Witherspoon Institute (EIN 55-0835528). Freedom Tools goes into considerable detail concerning the actual process of carrying out exorcisms, including providing specific language, chants or incantations, which are to be used in the process. Starting in 2012, a new initiative by the Ethics and Public Policy Centers American Religious Freedom Program (see: As explained during a 2006 3 and 1/2 special briefing to The Gathering (see: ), The ADF was created expressly to aid existing legal organizations, and local attorneys, in their culture war legal battles; it does not compete with existing Christian right legal organizations, nor does it take over local Christian right legal fights. It was pioneered in the late 1980s by a core group of New Apostolic Reformation leaders including Ed Silvoso, C. Peter Wagner, Cindy Jacobs, and others and subsequently exported to Africa and the developing world. Thank you for helping with the medical bills when I almost lost my eyesight. 2013 13,000. 2008 19,250 2012 42,325 2012 350,000 2011 4,045,406 frontline church partners, we provide children with the opportunity to rise above their The familial relationship has both helped to establish New Apostolic Reformation leader Silvoso as a superstar in the firmament of international right-wing evangelism, and also tapped Silvoso into the avante-gaurd of evolving missions strategy: Silvosos career began as a member of the Luis Palau Evangelistic Association ministry team. In 1994 the Glenn Eyrie castle headquarters of The Navigators hosted a secret anti-LGBT rights conference which included representatives from Focus on The Family, the Family Research Council, the American Family Association, the Christian Coalition, Concerned Women of America, and the Christian Reconstructionism-linked U.S. Taxpayers Party. 2010 55,800 A video of the event is available for download from the AMA LGBT Advisory Committee. Camerons discredited research has established many of the tropes used to demonize the LGBT community which are now being deployed in Africa and elsewhere beyond U.S. shores, including claims that homosexuals have vastly reduced life expectancy, and the [debunked] statistical association of same-sex orientation with pedophilia. The Navigators is among an elite core of evangelism and discipleship-focused ministries closely associated with The Fellowship which hosts the annual National Prayer Breakfast. . In 2005, Julius Oyet who has held top leadership roles in Ugandas two born-again umbrella associations traveled to Ed Silvosos yearly Nation transformation conference near Buenos Aires, Argentina. The Villars Statement on Relief and Development (see: ), signed by the 40-odd evangelicals attending Villars, stressed 13 key points: [W]e raise our concerns over the following issues. A third MLM board member of is British evangelist Peter Horrobin, one of the worlds leading experts, among Protestant charismatic Christians, in the practice of exorcism. The emphasis on redistribution of wealth as the answer to poverty and deprivation Florida Family Policy Council 2002 17,500 1:27), witchcraft, dissension, and cheating. (see: 2004 15,000 The ranks of Faith Angle Forum featured authorities informing Americas media elites at the conference are heavily populated with speakers who have been featured at The Gathering. ADF is tied to anti-LGBT rights activism from the U.S. to Belize to Russia and has played a major role in the the anti-gay World Congress of Families (see: ). 2012 35,062, The Great Commission Foundation 95-2814120 2006 43,134 2008 493,765 Another data point in AIs pattern of anti-LGBT rights activism came in 2008 at the African Commission on Human and Peoples Rights when, At the 44th session in Abuja, Nigeria in November 2008, a further draft resolution was proposed at the NGO forum condemning violence and the culture of impunity of violations of human rights of LGBTI people. During his talk, Ventrella mentioned giving presentations around the world on the homosexual agenda, including in Ethiopia in an apparent reference to his talk at the 2009 Advocates International Ethiopia conference. 2002 179,000 2012 57,500 2004 14,000 In 2010, Desert Stream Ministries head Comiskey admitted (see: that Desert Stream had been cast out of our home church, the Vineyard Anaheim church, because a longstanding staff person from Desert Stream had sexually abused at least one teenager who had sought help from us., 2003 0 2006 48,852 In South America, Compassion works in Bolivia, Brazil, Colombia, Ecuador and Peru. Violate that rule and you are toastas last weeks public shunning of evangelical pastor Louie Giglio shows. 12. In May 2010 TheCall held a rally in Kampala, Uganda attended by top leaders in Ugandas anti-LGBT crusade including Julius Oyet, David Bahati, and Nsaba Buturo. 2012 11,760. Howard Ahmanson is a frequent attendee at The Gathering who has been one of the most significant funders of anti-LGBT rights activism on the evangelical right.
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