However, these people do not have access to me.). He was protecting what he felt to be right and true and what he personally valued in opposition to the rest of the world. You must first Have Love, one for another, Forgive one another. Pathological liars are not that good, they overcompensate in their speech and body behavior. I was chosen to be a True Messenger for the Real Illuminatia group of highly intelligent (illuminated) mortals whose sole purpose is to help the human race save itself from complete destruction. I am simply stating how the MWAW sees it. Soon he saw the error of his ways. This guy makes no sense. Vessels converted to Mormonism in his college years, served an LDS mission, married in an LDS temple, and fulfilled several church callings before coming to the conclusion in November of 2008 that Nemelka is the bearer of the message of Christ to all the world. As a result of this decision, his wife of 32 years divorced him and he was excommunicated from the LDS Church. My name is Christopher Marc Nemelka. The "Sealed Portion" authored by Nemelka is approximately 668 pages. Its been around for four years only; so the year after I read,Robert A Clowards Prophesypouting its story on the White Horse Prophesy which would lead any unread soul straight into a delusion they could not their own Salvation by virtue of their Faithfulness. Christophers work specifically teaches we are responsible for our own actions and that we cant blame our parents or teachers or abuses brought against us while we were young and innocent. I would challenge anyone to show me how its false. We need to accept some people wont measure up to their original ambitions if it is the true gospel that leads them. If the Sealed Portion is a fictional tale spun by the Holy Spirit, then so is the Book of Mormon. Minimizes personal responsibility. God told us not to judge the intents of a persons heart, that only he can do that. How can they be even close to a god? Maybe because of the reason the book said!. And why would you think they are baited? This books intent was to turn the hearts and souls of the early American people towards establishing the greatest government and nation the world had ever known. You are twisting what is good, putting it on its head, and saying it is evil in defense of a righteous God. He gave these teachings to the Jews and repeated them, word for word, to the ancient American people (according to the Book of Mormon). Mortality is forgiven when it was seen we would fail many times and stumble. They are merely following the Book of Mormon that states: 2nd Nephi 4: You have to decide if you are being honest. But the basic difference is clear, one side accepts responsibility, the other despises it. Christopher doesnt need me. Titles By Christopher Marc Nemelka All Formats Paperback Sort by: Sort by: Popularity. Why would it tear down the Mormon church? God hath given a commandment Anthony J Schmitt, (414) 321-5694, 4141 S 60th St, Milwaukee, WI Could never teach falsehood on purpose. by the power of the Holy Ghost. Correct?, There is such a thing as creating a response that isnt for destructive purposes. When we first starting talking he really liked me and we had some great times. Christopher cannot do this now that he has been allowed to fully disclose real truth. It has nothing to do with lying. Upon reading The Sealed Portion with a sincere heart and real intent, many faithful LDS/Mormon members realized the deception behind their churchs leaders and doctrines. Nemelka claims to have special insight into every recorded event in history via two rocks he claims to have in his possession called the Urim and Thummim. These same concepts were integrated into the ancient Roman Catholic Church and were responsible for saving the Eastern part of the Great Roman Empire. I was able to read the book, I was able to access his journals. I accept you and your beliefs and think they are beautiful. The one Christopher translate is almost exact copy of original. The truth is, because as a human race we have failed to accept real truth, our constant discord and unrighteous dominion over one another inhibits our ability to be truly tested. Christopher Nemelka has brought out other books and although they can be controversial at times to modern day thinking, they are packed full of amazing truths that can resonate and illuminate the mind. Why bother with the expectations of relationships?! They stand on a pedestal and seek our support like a false God asking for tithes and worship. They are part of the problem as long as people choose to follow them and their words over their own covenants with the Father and the Son. Muslims are seen as radical religious nuts. This books intent was to turn the hearts and souls of the early American people towards establishing the greatest government and nation the world had ever known. That should be hint enough that no immortal resurrected divine being is of greater importance than that of another. They never change into caring loving individuals since they have way too much fun and take way too much pride in messing with emotional people as a means of existential vengeance. They have both clearly done the same thing. Jesica Nunley, 28 from Holladay, UT | Names and Facts FBI ARRESTS WOMAN ON MONTANA CHARGE - Deseret News I no longer have any interest in or responsibility for continuing to warn the people of this world about what is soon to happen upon this earth. To those with whom I have shared this planet for the past 60 years, who have rejected me and the work in which I have been involved, I was chosen to be a True Messenger for the Real Illuminati. ) That doesnt mean we shouldnt feel sorry or that there are no consequences for what we have done. Sealed-Not! - Christopher Nemelka | "It is NOT the Sealed Portion." To do so, then Moses would never have quoted other prophets, or Noah, or even Jesus at his coming. trust in man, or maketh flesh his Can you say the same? Our Heavenly Parents place us in specific areas upon earth that teaches us what our own eternal spirits needed to learn to reach our full potentials. Even Christ himself said the greatest in the kingdom of heaven was to be like a little child. But the terrible fact is it is wielded by the arm of flesh and nobody is willing to lift a finger to save those who suffer. I believe you are right that deferring responsibility to any other party, including political leaders, is the wrong choice. It really doesnt matter who is right. Lots of counterfeits. This guys doesnt shed any more light on what we already knows, just puts what the church has taught in biblical language. No leader who practices such dominion can hold the priesthood or priesthoods. Otherwise none of us would have any hope would we? In fact, baptism does not always lead to success as Im sure youve seen. I do understand Satans subtle temptations. He has also produced a text purporting to be from the large plates of Nephi, which was lost by Martin Harris as . Lets see if you ask questions in this post. Tribune religion reporter: My brush with 'Mormon bomber' Mark Hofmann Christopher Nemelka: My Guardian Angel | The Internet Chronicle The Bible is the chief reason we remain in ignorance as a people. Who is this Christopher Nemelka, and how has he managed to convince people to follow him? And why were you leaving out your full name until your previous post? He gave these teachings to the Jews and repeated them, word for word, to the ancient American people (according to the, Instead of establishing a new American religion on the teachings of the glorified and resurrected Jesus Christas presented in the, the early Americans formed a religion that had nothing to do with these simple teachings. Given the choice between peace and life eternal, the people of Earth have been delivered. A Marvelous Work and a Wonder as stated by the JSTs in Isaiah 29. With this one caveat, do unto others, love others as you love yourself. I guess i am a little surprised that you think we are having a confrontation. There is no instance in gospel where you are not responsible. They find happiness in their own faith, but the rest of the world condemns them with America leading this mistrust as an excuse to fuel military aggression. (LogOut/ They were promised that no other nation would threaten or take away their freedom if the American people (who called themselves Christians) would establish their new nation, their constitution, and their government on the rock of the teachings of Jesus. Manuscript Found is a weak excuse for the Book of Mormon. I will verify with you that the LDS church, for what it is, is unlike anything upon this earth in richness and the doctrine of Christ. And by doing so, I am not the Korihor that you believe I am. among them; therefore there Drew Thorngren on LinkedIn: #sportsbiz #graduateschool #highereducation I will accept that and be fine with it, even if it means I feel you are missing out on some awesome truths Ive discovered in my own personal journey. Time in Stockholm County , Sweden now This simple gospelthe fullness of the everlasting Gospel of Jesus Christis fully revealed in the New Testament book of Matthew, chapters 5, 6, and 7 and reintroduced word for word in the Book of Mormon, 3 Nephi, chapters 12, 13, and 14. There is evil, and it works constantly. The Jews feel justified from their beliefs, the Muslims in theirs, and the US feels justified in keeping their own soil safe by funding a war with weapons in the US. :). I do respect your need for an atonement, I would hope you can respect that I feel my own forgiveness does not come from the suffering of Christ, but instead from my willingness to listen to the Holy Ghost so that I can maintain a peace and happiness about me, even a fullness of joy. I received confirmation and I felt a joy about me. Both state we are ultimately responsible for the decisions we make in this life. It is by losing our innocence and tasting the bitter of this world that makes us appreciate Gods plan. Does God require authority to act in his name? He would say we must follow him and leave others behind. When and who holds the priesthood varies on policies. Agency does not relieve you of responsibility for your actions, not even the ones you didnt realize were wrong. this thing; wherefore, the Lord And I wasnt even praying. But the explanation is identical to how Smith created the Book of Mormon. I dont really know everything yet as i move through the experience of life and learning the principles of the gospel, but I do know not to trust a person who deals in untruth. I will watch as the human race continues to divide itself until a unification of one heart and one mind is no longer possible. Chris Nemelka. Its just a compilation of church doctrine, history, temple endowment, and some fantasy sci-fi writing. Is there evil in the world. Instead of establishing a new American religion on the teachings of the glorified and resurrected Jesus Christas presented in the Book of Mormonthe early Americans formed a religion that had nothing to do with these simple teachings. What is the purpose of the atonement? Women are just important in Gods plan as men. Christopher Nemelka is the founder of the "Humanity Party" and the "Marvelous Work and a Wonder" organization. Put your faith into something less stupid, plenty of other things get persecuted. The Sealed Portion - The Final Testament of Jesus Christ by: Christopher Marc Nemelka READ BOOK ONLINE DOWNLOAD COMPLETE BOOK Book Description : The Sealed Portion-Another Testament of Jesus Christ is the second part of the Book of Mormon, which millions of people throughout the world accept as the word of God along with the Bible. So I say I love those around me and you want to claim I dont? It seems like Real truth by Fire hasnt seen this video in which Nemelka admits to having written and NOT translated the so called sealed plates . I personally love them and have enjoyed their talks over the years, but I have found a greater truth based off of their more sound teachings from Joseph Smith. Just so you realize my above statement is not arrogance, it is instead how I see every individual on this earth. Thats another part of the Lucifer plan. You still have to accept responsibility for all your actions and take the steps to correct them on your own. If you believe Joseph, theres no reason to not believe Christopher!!! All she has to do is read under Carston Shields post and theres a whole conversation over at least a week. Nobody else will pay them what they are worth! for light, and light for darkness, As a natural consequence, prophets and ministers are worldwide to give people what they want. To think he would be lying when it just makes him look bad, is ridiculous. It is an explanation of things as they. We have to judge ideas and beliefs in order to make decisions. of a record that was reported to be a translation of certain plates with the appearance of gold. Richard "Dick" Nemelka passed peacefully and in the company of family following a battle with cancer and the only thing in this life brave enough to challenge him. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (the Mormons) was the result of the American people transfiguring, ignoring, corrupting, and misusing the, in order to become the wealthiest modern religion upon the earth. Can you not see how strange that sounds to a person who beileves in and eternal god that has given us scripture as one of the guides in our lives? He is a true messenger, the separation is important because a true messenger has a different role and purpose than assumed in standard scripture of what a prophet does. So to your ideology and religious belief, if you read it with real intent and in humility believing it could be true in faith, asking the Father in the name of the Son, it can be confirmed as being true. . I have knowledge that can save this world from the destruction that appears imminent. Behold, my voice He, like Smith, claimed God gave him a book(s) to write. I can acknowledge that all three were remarkable and inspired works, all three have had a massive impact on the world, but who inspired them? I cannot see your email address. They really just keep to themselves. Dont think for one moment that there are not people who would gladly exterminate Mormons, or Blacks, or Whites if they had the power to do so. Had the early American Christians realized the importance of these simple and basic principles, and had they established their laws and government on these, the United States of America would have been what the Book of Mormon prophesied it would becomean ensign and standard to the world. They all have the same potential I do, and we all have the same potential Christ did through the Father! :). unto man that he should act for 'Denver Snuffer and an emerging Mormon Mysticism' - WordPress Why? And that we remain humble because we realize we sin every day. It has all the hallmarks of deception rather that truth. (NOTE: If youre interested in knowing how this work has affected the lives of other people, you can review the following testimonials at We can find truth everywhere if we know where to look. crimes which he had done; therefore You need to be completely driven to finding truth at all cost. Already disillusioned with the church, he ventured into the Temple's upper room where the Twelve Apostles meet. This books intent was to turn the hearts and souls of the early American people towards establishing the greatest government and nation the world had ever known. A+ Customer service! We neither should respond to an ATTACK. The Mormon religions that pretend a belief in our new scripture have not incorporated one part of the doctrines, teachings, or examples we presented in our new scripture. Nemelka, Kristine September 5 Nemelka, Michael P. September 6 Nemelka Stephanie September 6 Gathercoal, Jesse September 10 Nemelka, Devon September 11 Mills, McKenzie September 15 Nemelka, Stephen September 16 Commodore, Pyper September 17 Nemelka, Cory September 18 Nemelka, Jentrie September 18 Nemelka, Cassie September 19 Google something like: CHRIS NEMELKA EXPOSED, Dont believe everything you read on the internet just because theres a picture with a quote next to it Abraham Lincoln, but seriously check out Christopher Marc Nemelka in his own words interviewed by me an enemy of his work. He at least claimed it was divine scripture from god and stated that it was a True Book. That is an oppositional attitude. That is something many LDS fail to do, they instead choose to blindly follow the prophets thereby skipping all the necessary steps toward spiritual self reliance they otherwise teach us to have. should be judged according to their The actual words of Christ, excluding all other teachings of the New Testament, still remain pretty clear. I know and can explain things that no other mortal has ever been able to explain. 2. If we are truly to leave judgement to God, why all this Luciferian garbage about Gods judgement when the scriptures make it very plain that you arent allowed to do this? Ida Smith, the great-great granddaughter of Hyrum Smith, who became convinced that Nemelka was called of God after reading The Sealed Portion, donated her plot to Nemelka. I dont really care what your answer is, thats your business. The Sealed Portion was not made up by Christopher. Found out a cult leader, Christopher Nemelka, owns multiple condos in Human Reality - Real Illuminati Illuminati Challenges the Authenticity of the Book of Mormon Sinners only do what is convenient for them and do not have righteous motives in their outwardly good works. Do you think my defense of beliefs is going to lead to war? He claims Brigham Young lead the church astray, but Joseph Smith appeared to him in the Temple Brigham built. Salt Lake City, UT 84121-1022 West Valley City, UT 84119-1883 Murray, UT 84121-1022 He claims the BOM is a myth, yet he translated the Sealed Portion to substitute that myth. The only thing constant in his message is, you are not responsible for anything. But yet getting to the third level of the temple to live in the presence of god is the only way to live with god? law against a mans belief; therefore, Truth will always hold each of us accountable, False will always say that we are not accountable. Doctrine and Covenants / Pearl of Great Price, Mormon Objections to Christian Evangelism, Teachings of the Presidents of the Church, bearer of the message of Christ to all the world., Latter-day Saint Visionaries and Would-Be Prophets, Effectively sharing with someone from the Community of Christ. Chris Nemelka, admitting he wrote the Sealed portion to trick - reddit All things shall be brought to the light, no one can escape it. Christopher fully explains the temple endowment and is honest about its interpretation. It will be their fault they chose to reject me, it will be contention that brings us to Satans playground instead of anything meaningful. You spent a lot of time trying to dissect what I wrote. He doesnt tell us to leave our churches and says its all good. None of the knowledge I have shared with the world has ever been properly challenged and proven to be incorrect. Because it is under his direction that I am here today. And yes it is true just as Christopher teaches, if we choose to be bad people during our mortal existence we will suffer immeasurably in the Spirit World just as you have stated. Most people do this. . I know there are plenty of psychopaths that use the church as their mask of purity and innocence. Ida Smith dies with con man Chris Nemelka at her side. Sad - reddit I respect the viewpoint and belief systems of others. [Download Book] The Sealed Portion - The Final Testament of Jesus And it is all in the name of a just and righteous God. Sometimes, when I meditate on that moment, I can still see the man in white with bloodshot eyes, and I know he is my guardian angel. I dont think it was, I believe it was the wickedness of the Zoromites. Lucifers position is that it is too difficult and we cannot succeed. The Bible was created by men, who, throughout history, wanted to present a philosophical idea of our relationship with a God as our Creator. It's decision time First off, I would like to thank Utah State University - Jon M. Huntsman School of Business for the amazing opportunities I've had | 50 comments on LinkedIn In fact many men have, but some truly are inspired and see no light of day in the church. I think the sealed portion is describing the world events which we are now witnessing unfold. I called for my husband and asked if he had came buckets over me in the night, but he hadnt. They hope they will be lucky and not be called to war. arm of flesh. Whereas Joseph Smith, Jr. was the Author and Proprietor of the 1830 Book of Mormon, I was the Author and Proprietor of the 2004 The Sealed Portion. We cannot be trusted with that power. Like the Bible, the Book of Mormon has many interpretations. The God I know is a kind and loving God, and he forgives us for all our trespasses. Though raised in a very large religious family, his pursuit of truth led him to question the validity of organized religion and the effect it has on the world. It is an explanation of things as they really were in the past, as they really are today, and as they really will be in the future. In fact, this unchallengeable information can help a person know and understand things that will help them find peace and understanding in what is about to happen upon this earth. However, good and evil are not universal. Why cant we just accept the fact that the universe revolves around each one of us, because thats what Christ taught. In fact, this unchallengeable information can help a person know and understand things that will help them find peace and understanding in what is about to happen upon this earth. Much of that information. Joseph Smith was directed to organize the church and given the priesthood. A psychopath is kind of like a person who is colorblind. The love of our Lord! The economy is far more destructive than any military of the world. This is how I see it, not expecting you to believe it or anything. (These books are free to download at the website: act for himself save it should be