Leah says she knows she's not supposed to sleep over and apologizes, but Arizona says it's okay. [58], After losing her first child patient, Eliza was distraught and Arizona coached her on how to get through that loss. Raised to love my country. Sofia Robbin Sloan TorresMiscarriage (with Callie) Arizona is one of the "Seattle Grace Five". Arizona replied not so many and asked Andrew to back her up, but then realized he was with his girlfriend every night. Eliza insisted that the list was only made to help her remember everyone's names. Wish You Were Here At the end of the evening, Callie and Arizona started fighting again at their apartment. She then coughed up blood again. Arizona regularly treats patients under the table because she finds it hard to say no to parents of sick babies. [16], After Callie made the comment about having lost her, Arizona was left speechless as an angry Callie left the room. Alex couldn't understand how she could be so perky after harvesting organs from a young child. They agreed to go get a drink together afterward. When Callie was pregnant Mark and Arizona took an interest in her health and started cooking and trying new recipes together.[72]. That night, Arizona had a drink at Joe's bar, when Callie came in and told her that she was kicking Arizona out of the apartment right now, not even allowing her to pack up her stuff. She stared in a way that made Arizona feel really good. She then completed her pediatric surgical fellowship at Seattle Grace Hospital. After seeing the baby's heartbeat for the first time, Arizona referred to the baby as "theirs.". Cristina interfered and made Callie allow it. She reminded Callie that Arizona needs the elevator and that it's already retrofitted to be accessible for her. Owen then promised he would help her to figure it out. However, before she managed to ask them for the favor while doing ultrasound for April, Penny came into the room and told Arizona that she was on Arizona's service that day. In the episode, 6 doctors from Seattle Grace Mercy West Hospital who are victims of an aviation accident fight to stay alive, but Dr. Lexie Grey ( Chyler Leigh) ultimately dies. She had a poster of Cindy Crawford in her room and she wasn't looking at her beauty mark. Whenever they would get somewhere new, her father would take her skating first thing. However, that night, Arizona came to Meredith's house asking for a couple of minutes with Sofia. [33], After Alex moved out and sold the house back to Meredith, Arizona had to move out. That night, before joining Leah in the shower in her hotel room, Arizona carefully took off her necklace and carefully put it away in a box.[24]. Later, Arizona was confronted by Eliza in the parking lot, with Eliza claiming while Arizona was acting as though she was against her, she was really afraid of Eliza being fired, as that would mean the pair could pursue a relationship. Arizona was shocked to learn Carina had never lost a mom, while Carina was shocked to learn Arizona had lost more than one. She learned to act tough when she had to, due to her name, and she never had to "come out" to her parents because it wasn't a shock to them. She clarified she really wants to fix the relationship that she had broken, while Callie wants to fix her. However, Arizona confessed to Callie that she slept with someone more than ten times while they were broken up but assured her that it was over. "Sometimes we try to make things better and we have actually no idea that we're actually causing more pain," Arizona said, clearly also talking about Callie trying to fix her. She told him that she was fighting a losing battle. M.D., F.A.C.S. April then declared Arizona her companion, after which Arizona stated they would do this right with monitoring and tests. You might be immortal. Arizona Robbins survived a plane crash that resulted in the amputation of her leg. Lauren simply laughed and they hugged. [59], Around the hospital, the two continued to pretend not to get along. Leah overheard this and offered her to stay at her place, and Arizona then asked her to tell what they did after the gala as she didn't remember and she was worried about what happened as Leah was a pretty girl. [41] Arizona was the first one to find out about April's pregnancy after her divorce to Jackson. Arizona pondered the thought for a moment and ended up locking the door instead of opening it. First A crying Callie replied that she apparently did lose Arizona. she and Leah worked together on a girl with a broken femur, which required Callie consulting. Arizona continued to think she did the right thing, but both Callie and Bailey told her she did wrong. Arizona then tried to give her some space, but later found out Eliza had left town without saying goodbye, effectively ghosting Arizona. When Arizona told Bailey after surgery to put Jackson on the transplant list, Bailey asked to get a second opinion. After being kicked out Callie and Arizona both agree couples therapy would be the best option. She got a haircut and chose Callie's favorite red dress. [25], Not long after, Arizona moved back into Callie's apartment, though Callie made her sleep on the couch. Arizona begged her wife to keep trying to fix their marriage, and after agreeing, they hugged each other for the first time in months. She asked Arizona to move closer to her to start her part of the surgery, while she offered to let Jackson do another part. Jill Robbins My family of four visited Universal Orlando for one day and it cost us over $2,000. Siblings When confronted about this, Stephanie confessed that Arizona intimidated residents and interns because of everything she had been through and done in both her professional and personal life. Arizona waved her over and Leah apologized to Arizona for having told them, but Arizona then said she was going to be very frank. The Season 9 premiere of "Grey's Anatomy" (Thursdays at 9 p.m. [69] Shortly thereafter, Leah called to make sure the girls arrived home safely and ended up visiting Arizona at her apartment. At the gala, April overheard Callie's fake story of being a widow and she decided to support Arizona. She was panicking when the pilot asked if there was someone there. Callie wanted to discuss options, but Arizona said it sounded like she had already decided. Her optimism and child-friendly abilities can be seen frequently and are also shown as she has cute animals on her lab coat; what appears to be a monkey or a lion above the Seattle Grace logo on the right hand side of her lab coat and a cat above her name and title on the left hand side; and she even wears Heelys at work, heeling around the hospital. She gets ready to leave, waking up Arizona, Arizona says that she doesn't have to leave. When he told her he couldn't feel his legs, she suddenly stopped laughing, and he said he knew that was bad. During the surgery, Leah complimented Arizona's technique, and Callie then apologized for having stated that Arizona wasn't a general surgeon. That inspired Arizona to look into it as a surgical project and once she had written up a proposal, she asked Carina to work on it with her, a decision they sealed with a kiss. Arizona begged her to talk about what happened as she really needed to talk, but Callie, who noticed Arizona wore the red dress, didn't want to talk about the cheating as it hurt her and walked off, leaving behind a devastated Arizona. She then asked Arizona to stay away from her and told her to go to Hell. Arizona asked her to take a step back and pointed out she never said yes to the plan. Arizona snapped that a baby with his brain on his face wasn't elective and walked away. She quickly discharged Charlotte and went to tell Richard that she crashed instead of flew. "I know you're trying to hide it, but I can see it on your face," Arizona said. However, after a shooter entered Seattle Grace with a vendetta for Derek, Lexie, and Richard, they were in lockdown together, and eventually decided to get back together and have kids. WebHow did Arizona Robbins die? [9], Despite being asked to be a bridesmaid, Arizona didn't want to go to Bailey's wedding because she wouldn't be able to wear high heels, and flats make her feel less feminine and confident. Lexie was crushed by a piece of the plane, severely injuring her pelvis, legs, and left arm. The next night, they left the hospital and went to Arizona's house, where they had sex. At the end of the surgery, Lauren left to go the bathroom and Jackson then said that Lauren was just one of these people who could make you feel great. She attended Johns Hopkins Medical School. The doctors, Arizona in particular, weren't extremely happy about the award and went back to work. On the night of the fundraising gala, Arizona Robbins and April Kepner bonded over drinks in the hospital storage closet. On Eliza's first day at Grey Sloan, Eliza helped out where she was needed. That evening, Arizona was nervous about meeting Penny at the dinner party and started drinking excessively to ease her nerves. Arizona yelled at her, believing she was spying for Callie, before leaving. She asked Arizona to see the picture of the ultrasound, but Arizona told her that there was no picture. In the evening, Cristina, Meredith, and Derek dragged Mark's body back to the front part of the plane. However, it was Carlos who later revealed during a conversation with Callie that he once cheated, but he and Callie's mother decided to give their marriage another chance, with Callie's mother having forgiven him for the one mistake he made. She told Arizona that Arizona promised to allow her to scrub in on the surgery on the night of the gala. Callie started criticizing the father, but Arizona came to his defense. Feeling uncomfortable, Arizona quickly left with Sofia. [30] Arizona quickly learned that Dr. Herman had a brain tumor and had been given six months to live. They managed to stay professional with Leah, who tried her best to forget about Arizona. [You survived a plane crash] And a car crash. Later, Callie came to apologize for jumping the gun, but Arizona told her about the Barton School calling her. CurrentRobbins-Herman Center for Women's HealthFormerGrey Sloan Memorial HospitalSeattle Grace HospitalSeattle Grace Mercy West HospitalNamboze ClinicJohns Hopkins Hospital Arizona didn't deny she was a cheater, and explained that she cheated because Lauren stared at her too, but in a different way. They hugged in happiness, and Callie even kissed Arizona's belly. They made plans for that night, but they were cancelled when one of Arizona's patients went into labor, but Arizona told Eliza that she looked for her around the hospital all the time and that the anticipation of waiting one more day wouldn't necessarily be a bad thing. CurrentAttending Fetal SurgeonAttending Pediatric SurgeonFounderFormerBoard DirectorHead of Pediatric SurgeryHead of Fetal Surgery Arizona added that that's what made Lauren so attractive, as she was still attracted to Arizona, even though she never knew her before the accident. Arizona really wanted to meet her, but she was nervous and it also reminded her that she had nobody. The lights flickered off from the superstorm as they started kissing. [21], Arizona and Leah started off a somewhat secret relationship and hung out together, but Leah thought it was more than Arizona did and she kept on texting Arizona. Shortly after the crash, Arizona was lying next to the front part of the wreckage and she kept on screaming until Cristina yelled at her to shut up. Leah asked Arizona to treat her with more respect. When Arizona found her and asked if they could have sex, Eliza said she needed to pack her things since she was fired, leaving Arizona speechless. Mark then informed Arizona that Lexie died. Outside the room, Lauren asked Arizona to show her to an on-call room as she likes to stay close by in case anything happens the first night post-op. Although initially she was not happy about this development, she decided she was in. As the lights flickered back on, Arizona pushed her off, saying that she couldn't do that. [7], Arizona being fitted for a prosthetic leg, Hearing how Callie was struggling with Arizona, Bailey planned to get Arizona back to work. but instead he asked her "Are you still who I raised you to be?". When Arizona came to pick up Sofia before Callie had to go to the court for her lawsuit, she told Callie that she was willing to do whatever Callie needed to feel good in the difficult period of being sued. Arizona explained that Callie was the one person she trusted most in her life, and she was the one who decided to cut off the leg. She told Bailey they'd meet in the OR as she rolled off on her Heelys, which made Bailey start to dislike her. When Mark died 30 days later, Callie went into her bedroom, where Arizona was just sitting in bed, and she told Arizona that she couldn't keep doing things alone. Arizona then put her flat shoe on her prosthetic foot and they left for the wedding, where they waited for Bailey. They called a cab to get them home, and Leah helped Arizona to get in. When Arizona won a grant to advance pediatric surgery in less developed countries, she gave her notice and resigned. Lauren joked Arizona was probably going to cyber-stalk her some more, and Arizona replied she might. Arizona tried to get support from Alex, but he initially didn't want to get mixed up in the matter. Callie later came to apologize, she brought up that Penny was moving to New York after winning the Preminger Grant. They bonded over a shared experience of moving all the time as a kid. Two Arizona firefighters died in a plane crash on Saturday while they were responding to a wildfire that started one day earlier. Arizona made it clear to Leah that she and Callie were trying to repair their marriage and assured her that it didn't have to be awkward between the three of them. [62], After the hospital fire chaos had settled, Arizona found Eliza and suggested they go back to her place to have overly tired sex before getting some sleep. She specifically requested Bailey for the surgery on the patient, but since Bailey was busy with Richard, Arizona stepped up as a general surgeon. However, tensions continued with Mark in the picture as an active and interested father. During a surgery, Arizona's leg kept on hurting, forcing her to leave the OR. [52] Arizona, seeing how sad Callie was, agreed to let Callie have her for alternating school years and Christmases. They had shocked faces as they approached a stopped truck and crashed. She also said that she didn't want everything to be about the leg all the time, and that she couldn't lose Callie. However, April refused to have her baby tested, convinced he or she would turn out okay. When Owen informed his staff that they had to cancel all elective procedures as preparation for the superstorm heading towards Seattle, Callie asked Arizona if she was going to postpone Tyler's surgery. Against her will, Callie picked her up and put her in the shower, and made it clear that Arizona's problems were her problems too, as they lived together. Familial Information Ann was her favorite scrub nurse until she was laid off as part of the pre-merger cutbacks. Arizona walked April down the aisle and shared a look with Callie, which made her cry once again. [60], Eliza asked Arizona about how big her stove was, because she wanted to make Arizona pierogi. Arizona then looked at her hand, and noticed there was dry blood on it. [43], April continued to refuse to tell Jackson about her pregnancy while Arizona continued to advise her to tell him, since other people had already find out. Arizona made Callie promise that she would not cut her leg off and Callie agreed. She then said they went "everywhere." At the end of the season 8, Robbins is hurt badly in a plane crash, resulting in her left leg being amputated. They made up when Nicole returned to Grey Sloan and offered her money to open a center for women's health together.[75]. Up until that day, she thought she'd screwed up the one great love of her life. Robbins has a romantic interest in orthopedic fifth-year resident Callie Torres (Sara Ramirez) and later goes on to kiss her. No, she does not, however, she hurts her leg severely. The plane crash which killed Lexie Grey and eventually Mark Sloan left Arizona an emotional wreck and ultimately led to the demise of her marriage to Callie Torres. Arizona walked over to Bailey, and when she saw the chart, she came up with a possible diagnosis. Greys Anatomys Arizona Robbins is alive but in no way does she resemble the happy, peppy, perky doctor who first zoomed through Seattle Grace sporting a pair of light up wheelie sneakers. Does Izzie and Alex have a baby? At the end of the season 8, Robbins is hurt badly in a plane crash, resulting in her left leg being amputated. In the aftermath of the plane accident, in which Sloan and Lexie Grey were killed, the hospital is sued and eventually found liable for negligence. She decided she didn't want to be with someone who made her feel stuck and she believed that working on their marriage was slowly killing her. Dr. Mark Sloan (Eric Dane) a.k.a. Arizona did help her, but when Leah was ranting at her after the surgery for having told Callie that they slept together, Arizona made it clear that her marriage was more important than making sure Callie wouldn't hate Leah. Callie came home to get Arizona for the meeting anyway, only to find her sitting in a pool of her own urine in the bathroom, having fired the homecare nurse for not liking her. However, Callie responded that she had spent the last 30 days feeling free, doing more and feeling better. Callie gifted Arizona with a weekend getaway, but continued communicating with Mark as she and Arizona drove. On her first day at the hospital, the only person Teddy knew was Owen.