300. We are not yet near 3rd seal famine conditions. WILLIE SCOTT: Phillipians 4:13 I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. The Four Horses of the Apocalypse - jhm.org This is great. I have no idea what relevance that has in your attack. Kindest regards, For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom: and there shall be famines, and pestilences, and earthquakes, in divers places. Most people today may not see famine as a manifestation of divine wrath. Food costs will be so elevated, due to the chemtrails and GMOs destroying the bird & bee population, as well as the very soil the food grows on. What does Revelation 6:5 mean? | BibleRef.com The greater part of oil is used as transportation fuel. A quart of wheat would supply an average person one day's sustenance. This may all be speculation, or superstition, but it is too hard to deny. For the biblical writers interested in legislating and prophesying about Israels behavior, famine was both an ending the result of disobedience and sin and also a beginning, a potential turning point toward a better, more faithful future. Theres still more events that need to take place before that begins. "You shall not make idols for yourselves; neither a carved image nor a sacred pillar shall you rear for yourselves; nor shall you set up an engraved stone in your land, to bow down to it; for I am the LORD your God. This translates to nearly 3.066 grams of silver or 0.099 troy ounces of silver. I estimate sliver to jump %2500 or more! The black horse in Revelation is believed to represent Famine. This idea seems unlikely unless Communism takes over the world. In Deuteronomy 28 God details the horror of a people stricken with the curse of famine. This occurs when famine conditions are worse than the famine of the third seal. What Are the Seven Last Plagues of Revelation? - Life, Hope & Truth And with that movement, in the ancient world as today, comes vulnerability. If the Bible were read chapter by chapter, and verse by verse that would be known.! My big question is have you considered the price of wheat and barley during the Great Depression of the 1930s? That would also fit with the admonition that what is left not be harmedlest there be none left at all. World Archeology Issue 23. We can get some idea of the significance of Revelation 6:6s wheat price by examining how much bread a denarius could buy during Christs time. According to the UN report of covid-19s impact on food security, before covid-19, already 820 million people worldwide were considered as being food insecure, of which 135 million were in crisis and emergency status. [6] When you are His child every day you can arm yourself with His armor- Ephesians 6:10-20 Arm yourself in the Lord, read His Word and know it was written to you for you, claim His promises, and remember to pray without ceasing! As the coronavirus spread rapidly around the world last year, the United Nations warned that the economic disruption of the pandemic could result in famines of biblical proportions.. 1) Made desolate You shall keep My Sabbaths and reverence My sanctuary: I am the LORD" (Leviticus 26:1-2 Leviticus 26:1-2 [1] You shall make you no idols nor graven image, neither raise you up a standing image, neither shall you set up any image of stone in your land, to bow down to it: for I am the LORD your God. We are the only thing keeping the world alive. Millions were at risk of starvation. [22] And except those days should be shortened, there should no flesh be saved: but for the elect's sake those days shall be shortened. American King James Version: "When He opened the third seal, I heard the third living creature say, 'Come and see.' Exodus 32:35 gives an example of this, saying "So the Lord plagued the people because of what they did with the calf which Aaron made." Learn more about the 10 Plagues of . The author was probably a Christian from Ephesus known as "John the Elder." . Its quite possible that there will be a one world currency by then. We have covered the meaning of the first two horsemen of Revelation 6religious deception and war. It is somewhat reminiscent of Revelation 16:4, in my opinion. In the 13th century B.C., nearly all of the Eastern Mediterranean civilizations collapsed because of a prolonged drought. I cant tress enough about current events that are going on right now, and they do have a spiritual basis, for their existence. Yet scenes like this have occurred in history and God says they will happen again. Monsanto will own the worlds seeds and thus, the worlds food supply. It is used three times as green because the context is of the grass or green . The color black suggests starvation and death, and the scales suggest something was going to be weighed, judged, or measured. Revelation 6:6 tells us that the price for three choenixes of barley will be equal to the value of a denarius after the opening of the third seal. You will not see it because it happened in 70 AD, referring to the Pharisees and the destruction of the Jewish Law, ushering in the Kingdom of God and Salvation by Grace. And I beheld, and lo a black horse; and he that sat on him had a pair of balances in his hand. Many teach that the third seal describes a great famine. They don't want to hear about sin and hell. I dont have data that goes back that far. Revelation 6 tells of a scroll in God's right hand that is secured with Seven Seals, which, when opened, summons four beings that ride out on white, black, red and pale horses to bring about . But they might recognize in famine the same opportunities to consider how we treat the displaced, and to imagine a better future. Famine as a narrative device rather than as a theological tool is found regularly throughout the Bible. The cry to not "harm" the oil and wine could represent attempts to safeguard the pockets of abundance against plundering. Not at all. The typical loaf of bread weighed 1 lbs during the Roman Empire, so well assume that these loaves of bread weighted 1 lbs each. The Seven Seals of Revelation Have Been Opened! Revelation 18:1-24 KJV; And after these things I saw - bible.com The economy collapsed due to oil prices..the mention of oil in scripture is also interesting. So the horse ridden by death - the kloros of death - Revelation 6:8 ." (page 891) The context renders the correct translation. All of these stories share a common feature: famine as an impetus for the movement of people. Weather across the world could become very bad for growing crops. 6:8). If things were going badly, it was because the deity was angry. (37) He answered and said unto them, Give ye them to eat. 'Bible called it' Locusts spark apocalyptic fears as disease, fires and Professor of Hebrew Bible, Yale University. In fact he is wholly all American. American King James Version). But, the Great Depression did not fulfill the prophecy of Revelation 6:6. There is a spiritual famine going on and it will only get worse. Im in the electronics manufacturing business and also happen to be an avid hobby baker. Peace, material abundance, good health and the absence of disease would follow. As for World Bank data, I am not endorsing the World Bank! We come now to the third horseman's ride. Read what the 7-headed beast with 10 horns does to America: Rev 17:16 And the ten horns that you saw, they and the beast will hate the harlot; they will make her desolate and naked, and devour her flesh and burn her up with fire. We can do so by using the Bible and price data. 6. I am scared Im striving every day Im struggling with homosexuality and drugs in so petrified of whats gonna happen to me. Many times it is also made up of six . For Africa as a whole, the United Nations' Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) declared in March that 23 of the continent's 53 countriesalmost halfface dire food shortages. 2) Made naked Here's why Christian scholars who study end times say this is not the If a penny at Christs time could buy about 25 loves of bread, and the increase would cause bread value to increase %800 to %1600, that would calculate to bread costing about $8.50 in todays market. And its about silver being used as money again, paying for food in that difficult time. Look into the Holy Spirit because there is no limit to the power He can enable a believer to have. [54] So that the man that is tender among you, and very delicate, his eye shall be evil toward his brother, and toward the wife of his bosom, and toward the remnant of his children which he shall leave: For keeping His statutes and commandments, God promises in the next verses the necessities for plentiful food production: "rain in its season" so that "the land shall yield its produce, and the trees of the field shall yield their fruit you shall eat your bread to the full, and dwell in your land safely.". Learn to survive. Oh yeah, and one sword, preferably a .223 or .308, Luke 22:36, Im not surprised the U.N. is behind it. Perhaps another 2 million require immediate help in Eritrea. A denarius weighed approximately 3.36 grams and had 91.25% silver purity during the reign of Vespasian.[6]. Willie Scott, I dont know if you are saved or not, but if/when you do, you can be born again, baptized, all things made new. Copyright 20102023, Academic Journalism Society. What does Revelation 6:5 mean? There is no reason to expect people to starve when this is coupled with the means to transport food to any location in the world. The size of a choenix varied throughout the Roman Empire. Why do you say Daniel knew it? As I said, I disagree with the idea that a whole days wages will only be enough to buy a choenix of wheat or a loaf of bread. For all nations have drunk of the wine of the wrath of . I believe this could be part of His plan. (44) And they that did eat of the loaves were about five thousand men. (Mark 6:35-44). A locust is a special kind of . Yale Divinity School is a member of the Association of Theological Schools. The CDW will be greater than 1 when the value of a denarius is less than the price for a choenix of wheat. And when he had agreed with the labourers for a penny a day, he sent them into his vineyard, And he went out about the third hour, and saw others standing idle in the marketplace, And said unto them; Go ye also into the vineyard, and whatsoever is right I will give you. 19 Bible Verses about Pestilence. We have not yet seen the full depths of the catastrophe that awaits the world as the seals of Revelation 6 are opened and the human tragedies described in them unfold. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Its only been 3 1/2 years since you posted this and bread has gone up to $5 a loaf now. I am the son of Enoch, father of Lamech, and grandfather of Noah. (REVELATION 6:9-11) The Bible divides the number seven into four plus three or three plus four. Another and more important point. FAMINES in the Bible - WebBible Encyclopedia - ChristianAnswers.Net I wounder of the solar minimum weve been experiencing has anything to do with their, the bees, demise? Bible Prophecy Numbers: (Ch.1b) Two 'Seven-Years Famine'. 15 Epic Bible Verses About Famine In The Last Days (Prepare) However, if a nation's social fabric begins to unravel, larger problems can set in. I read an interesting book called Revelation Revolutionand there it says that the oil represents the holy spirit and wine is the blood of Christ. Its about price setting. The next two billion people live on about $10 per day and the final two billion people live on more with only a fraction of the entire human population living on more than $40,000 per year. Something you didnt address, is inflation. Inflation causes many prices to rise, including the prices of many metals and food. You cant save enough, and Christ clearly warned against that.where moths and rust corrupt, and thieves can steal! Just a single square kilometer of swarm can contain up to 80 million adults, with the capacity to consume the same amount of food in one day as 35,000 people. Modern agricultural methods and generally stable weather patterns produce bumper crops in the developed world resulting in massive levels of food production, more than enough to feed the hungry of the world. Thus the 1260 days of Revelation 12, when the "woman . Christ urged us to not worry about what might happen tomorrow when He said: Take therefore no thought for the morrow: for the morrow shall take thought for the things of itself. But consider the part about the wine and the oil. He has promised never to leave nor forsake us, the Master, the Shepherd who is unwilling to loose even one- that means YOU Willie. Farmers have been burying perishable produce or dumping milk as a result of supply chain disruption and falling consumer demand. U.S. dollars is something people can understand at the moment so thats why I used it. Although there will be a famine for the Word of God at that time, Revelation 6:5-6 is describing a real famine. What the nematodes didnt take out, a severe frost did. And yes, their demise will effect crops, not to forget to mention that honey in coffee is fantastic..and much healthier!! Hamburgers would cost $15! The Book of Revelation, the last book in the Christian Bible, is interpreted by many evangelical scholars as a description of Jesus returning to Earth. The Book of Revelations in the New Testament lists the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse as conquest, war, famine and death, while in the Old Testament's Book of Ezekiel they are sword, famine, wild beasts and pestilence or plague. Your chat above only goes to 1960s. Thats $1,400 per week, $4,600 per month! And the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus. (Philippians 4:6). It would be nice if I had data that did. We live in a world that has been cursed as a result of sin, and the ground does not produce like it did before the fall of man. This occurs when famine conditions are worse than the famine of the third seal. Choenix. It is about the UFO that appeared above the Temple Mount the other day, and the apparition of the rider on a pale or white horse in Egypt during the demonstrations. Dear People, I think that we have been put on notice. Just last night, as the Super Bowl was being broadcast to our nation, a meteor was rocketing a crossed our skies, and fell to earth, near Lake Michigan. Your email address will not be published. Across the ancient Near East, drought and famine were feared. In the book of Deuteronomy, the fifth book of the Hebrew Bible, God proclaims that if Israel obeys the laws, the Lord will open for you his bounteous store, the heavens, to provide rain for your land in season., Disobedience, however, will have the opposite effect: The skies above your head shall be copper and the earth under you iron. After all, 25% of the worlds population dies in the fourth seal from various causes. We have had a new President in office, and He has been able to offend at least 6 major countries, in the time that he has been in office. While naturedrought, floods and insect infestationsis often the cause of famine, quite often war and misrule, as well as malignant political or religious ideology, are prime factors. The conclusions are still the same. Do not love sleep or you will grow poor; Revelation 6:8 - The Fourth Seal: Death - Bible Hub Those impacted the most primarily live in South and Southeast Asia, with the majority of the remainder in Sub-Saharan Africa. Pestilence incorporates any and all forms of public and mass destruction and often accompanies famine ( Ezekiel 7:15) or war ( Jeremiah 21:9 ). Learn to NOT go beyond what is written. Nice bait, Wayne. But eventually it will break free. I believe in the miracle! It is when we keep our eyes firmly focused on this truth that we can have hope beyond the tensions of our present world. ASV And they say unto him, Shall we go and buy two hundred pennyworth of bread, and give them to eat? "But realize this, that in the last days difficult times will come." - 2 Timothy 3:1 " 'and in various places there will be famines and earthquakes' " - Matthew 24:7 The difference is big enough that I also looked at the CDW since 1960 using the Flaviopolis choenix instead of the Attic choenix like in the prior graph: The CDW was above 0.8 in 1973 amid a major global food crisis triggered by poor harvests (aided by bad weather) and growing food demand from developing countries. After all these plagues in Revelation, Jesus Christ will return to save humanity from self-destruction. Be prepared, aware and prayer are all that will get you through this. Instead, hoard minted, treasury reserve certified silver coins. Curious Myths of the Middle Ages by Sabine Baring-Gould - Complete text Having both in the third seal would be awful, but it cannot be ruled out. Bible Fiber #56: Cessation of Prophecy in the Jewish understanding I think well face the Great Tribulation before the Rapture. Yale Divinity School is a member of the Association of Theological Schools. But until then, we will continue to see cyclical occurrence of famine, from all sorts of causes, resulting in millions of people dying when they could have lived. American King James Version). The printing of massive amounts of currency with no intrinsic value, leads to incredible devaluation of that currency. This knowledge may give us some idea of what global conditions will be like at that time and what kind of price shocks well experience in the future. But such deeply distressing events inevitably occur when men and women become entrenched in their disobedience to God's laws. Simply reminding Americans that were not the Guage that God goes by. This means that things would have to get a whole lot worse for us to be close to experiencing third seal famine conditions. Are Famines of "Biblical" Proportions Coming? - Life, Hope & Truth (Even then, corrupt government officials withheld some of the donated food as a weapon to starve their political opponents.). The main objective of this article is to calm people down who listen to people who claim we are seeing the 3rd seal now. Do you see evidence of Daniels knowledge of this in scripture somewhere? With this being the worst drought in history I expect many pastors who dont believe in the Pretribulation Rapture would insist that itll cause a days food to cost a days wages by next year thus opening the Third Seal. Exacerbating the major economic impact that threatens to plunge ever more into poverty are overlapping threats from rainfall patterns in east Africa causing floods, landslides and even fostering conditions for the ongoing locust swarms that are devastating the region. The Bible states, "And they were given authority over a fourth of the earth, to kill with sword and with famine and with pestilence and by wild beasts of the earth" (Revelation 7:8b).