When I lived up Nawth, I was always treated with hospitality, but I found out that they treated each other with some indignity. I havent heard it called a beanie yet. 1 rating. It was what I grew up on, I cant change it. The following are some characterstics (Wells, 1982: 530-552). Dont dat purtty We own you turds, if not for the northern taxes given to the south you would not have your well-fair checks and all would live a lifestyle like in Mexico. The 9% are the average. I love the Southern accent and it discusses me when a Southerner starts talking like a northerner so they dont a fend them. About Me: To say that Texas, Oklahoma and Arkansas are, as you quoted her indirectly saying, not Southern states is not only silly, ***BUT ALSO*** ******IGNORANT******!!!!!! Gee, Aric. And you call US arrogant? Why do I stay, because you all want me to leave and you are not going to win. Example: Well come see yall tomorrow, good Lord willin and the creek dont rise. Of course, just as it is now people living in rural areas and people that live in metropolitans have different ideas. in northern louisiana all of that is true except for saying sweeper, yankee, and clicker. Be friendly, help others, be a part of your new community, and just be laid back & let it come naturally. Tap- Sleep (Tap out) My fathers side of the family is Southern. The general IQ of the south has increased with migration from the west and north. Also All yall!!! I am from here and dont feel comfortable everywhere. Nonetheless, I live in the suburbs and my neighbors are truly Southern in their ways and accents, which I love. is Virginia southern cuz my momma is very southern and ive been raised in a southern household and with southern hospitality but many say that Virginia isnt and I will beg to differ! I am proud of the strides weve made. And if someone is really nice you say they are sweetern Tupelo honey., Honey, you need to fish or cut bait. Usualy said to a man who wont ask his girlfriend to marry him. Talk about uneducated! It is not your from the north. Why worry about what happened all them years ago? Sick em hairy dawgs. Im from reisterstown maryland. Say youre from the north then go down south and stay there and adopt the southern culture and all that what would you be considered. We LOVE sweet tea! Im from south Georgia, and I dont have a southern accent or southern grammar. But why are 90% of white teenage belles with child.biblelt??? Other relatives ( especially from ms) have thick THEY KILL YOUR KIND OF STUPIDITY BEHIND THE WHEEL. You must have never traveled. Like the ones from up north that only show at county meetings that occur in the winter, (because there gone in the summer)That same road brought you down, will take youre a__, right back.. Only in the south. Kiln is another one that seems obvious but isn't. Also you are poor trailer trash. Ive met good and bad in everyone of those regions. Rate the pronunciation difficulty of Atlanta. Having any accent doesnt make you better or worse than anyone. I live in Kansas we say that tons of times, granted its southwestern Kansas but when we drop by Kansas City, Topeka, or Wichita people use that saying. Ive lived in the south my whole life, and I consider myself an intellectual. So they dont give Coke to you unless you say the whole name: Coca-Cola. mimic 3: sentinel ending By On Jun 30, 2022. I dont blame the students because the teachers never learned phonics. Northern teachers dont even like you saying to them yes-um instead of yes mam. Simmer down- Calm down Something interesting. I lived in the south for years, and I heard people say your alls. The ice tea thing is northern people drink unsweetened tea so thats why the sugar is on the side . Youre the one who should get an education, hating on the South and making its residents and even your fellow Northerners look bad! ", So long as you NEVER say "AT-A-LAN-TA" (like the beer), then you're good. We were always told not to forget our grinds and lockets, usually in reference to bathing, and I still have no idea what those are. I hope that you further educate yourself and know that all because you have these misconceptions, that I can see where you are coming from. Share . Nanner = banana, tater = potato, mator = tomato. And hows this? mr amos sedgefield community college. ;o). Deo Vindice. In addition to the "n" being silent, area residents throw a "the" in front of the name, referring to it as "the Kill." , Hi, dont feel bad, at least she didnt say Bless your little heart, or, worse still, Bless your pea-pickin little heart.. I promise you it wasnt the Right RedNecks. And arrogance can come from the Northern States, the Southern States, hell, it can even be found in Antarctica. 1. The person who posted in the comment to which you referred (where said individual said, In the South, even Pepsi is Coke meant that in the South, carbonated soft drinks in general are often referred to as Coke, regardless of brand name or even whether the soft drink in question is a cola, period. Additionally, just because someone speaks a little slower, doesnt mean that they are dumb or inferior. I always thought of it as the northern most southern state and the southern most northern state lol. Hey, Im justa tellin it like it is, Well its easy to see where ELIZABETH comes from, the Windy City shes blowin allot hot air, might neer too big fer her britches, Kristin theres a few more R.I.P. I will defend my beloved blunt-speaking, fast-talking yanks to the death, but I think we have to acknowledge that there are strengths and weaknesses on both sides of the Mason-Dixon line. Dryrn a popcorn fart I'm a native, but I travel a lot so when people ask me where I'm from I am in the habit of enunciating completely. @Marci you smile and nod and most will do the same. Im lovin yall here in south eastern Alabama! The Southern accent is one of the most iconic accents of the United States. I dont talk southern and dont act it either but from what I been reading there is a lack of respect with some on here, not all but some Im from the north and I can tell you there are good and bad everywhere. Likewise, there are many sophisticated aspects to the South and Southerners (as there are to New England and the North.) I am from the deep south. 5. Get yo yankee ass back across the Mason Dixon before the south gets hold of u and stomps a hole in your yankee ways. I should also note that we rarely use "r's.". Atlanta is NOT a Southern City, never was. And depending on who youre talking to, theyll be asking if you have any cheern, or churn, not children. Yall /you guys. I heard it so many times, I started saying it too. Airy n et the best toufe n home made gumbu in de wir! You DO know that they brought outrageously freezing temperatures to the South AS WELL AS virtually the rest of the country (or at least the Northeast and Midwest)!, **DONT** *YOU*? MARCI ! Pronounce Atlanta in Luxembourgish, Can you pronounce it better? Pronounce Atlanta in Norwegian, Can you pronounce it better? Im from North Carolina and Ive always used it. The Southern States wanted to protect their interest and their way of life. The president is in Washington DC for a reason. We are much much stronger then you cupcakes. My grandmother is from Lakeland, Florida and she uses words like supper to mean dinner and fillin station instead of a gas station. Idjit. Theres/contraction, joining of two words, there is There arent any liberal Democrats in the South? So you beat them up and burned their flag? The Real Housewives of Atlanta The Bachelor Sister Wives 90 Day Fiance Wife Swap The Amazing Race Australia Married at First Sight The Real Housewives of Dallas My 600-lb Life Last Week Tonight with John Oliver. The pictures were hilarious though. Haha funny! Thats how the South will rise again, by triumph of honor over liberalism. We dont need your shit down here. I grew up in East TN. Friend up north. Boil water 2.) I know where Reba McEntire lives because my daddys old both is her neighbor. Hey south, Ive lived in you since I was three, and I can honesty say you can go fuck yourselves. Rather, they pronounce it Pontz dee Lee-ahn Avenue. WHICH REGION OWNS WHICH *********NOW*********!!!!!!!!! Are you fo REAL!? Remove tea bags when the tea you reach a deep dark amber color, @Marci and @Okie Farmer (ESPECIALLY YOU, Marci!) So, what, youre still gonna sit here on your sorry ass behind your thick screen and blame us for all the worlds problems? It contributes to our non southern hospitality because were too busy trying to be complete jackasses to convince you to move back up north. Visit Pretty Southern's profile on Pinterest. Fixin to: used to let your compatriot know whats up. Educate yourself and seek guidance for your narrow simple mind. Another southern term Corn-bread country strong. Another good Southernism is 15-blue-million as in Ive got 15-blue-million things to do today so dont you be 15-blue-million-and-one!. I hope you freeze your ass off next winter up there! People frum Mississippi, Georgia, Alabama mostli stay thar becus home folk dont leave home. Same thing for I-85 in the Carolinas. We know how to cook, fix things, and take care of our own kind. In the south we offered funeral cake, funeral casserole, etc. :O. and the South (AR (the pig farms, at the very least), TX and OK (their cattle ranches, most notably). Oh, homosexual and Bible thumpers. The Senior Officers told me to NEVER lose the accent as people would pay attention to what I had to say. Southerners are also infamous for operating shady businesses and ripping people off. I am from the south and Very proud of it!!!!!! Hosepipe = Water hose. Would you suggest starting with a free platform like WordPress or We understood the context quite well but it wasnt until many years later that we understood the literal meaning. My family says it all the time, but I get odd looks from some people. In Northern states, iced tea is served with a box of sugar packets because Yankees are too lazy to actually blend sugar into the hot liquid to make sweet tea. We lost. ). See also Is It Safe To Drive In Georgia? Given our love of the melodious English language, we would never use the plural pronoun we with the singular verb am. And Bless your lovely little heart, HUN! I am from the north. As for yall, its singular. at age 14 and lived wiht my daddy for 3 1/2 years. When you go west to KS it feels more Great Plains. in the server error log. We also like soda, not pop. Everyoneand I mean almost everyonesaid Pepsi. but down in deez hea parts we know how to have fun! (P.S. I once lived in Michigan and most of the people are originally from the south. Put it out there and the whole world gets to read and reply. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. Three say it like me. You can take youre (we have taken thinking) and shove it you know where. Most restaurants now serve unsweet tea with packets of sugar. I 2nd that, Lousiana Belle! The Civil War was not fought by either side over slavery. How to say Atlanta. Ya ya. Im from NC and no one says pop.. Perhaps you could go to a Speech Therapist for help or go up to a Northern State for one year. Maybe you can explain why they move away from the North and then try to turn us into what they left. We are stronger,faster, more intelligent and richer. PoBoys are really defined by their good, long crusty bread. Do you mean Northern teachers dont even like you saying to them ()yes-um() instead of ()yes mam (sic)() or dont even like you saying to them Yes-um OR Yes, maam? There aint nobody got more n deepa southen roots then yours truly. Thats not something to be proud of and its a sad day when a country goes to war with itself. I am not uneducated, nor am I married to anyone in my family. Im not sure why but I do know its cultural. Pronunciation of Atlanta with 8 audio pronunciations. Yeah Ohio is definitely Yankee its north of Kentucky theyre Yankees too, just dont say that to their faces. If you have not moved yet or are now there, get in touch with veteran groups or organizations, they can give you lots of support and suggestions. Finally, have any one of you ever heard The South shall rise again? Listen to the audio pronunciation in English. .the northeast has got nothing on this place! Most people call it a Southern drawl. Well know youre a Yankee, or that your parents were Yankees, if you say you guys. What about people saying winda or winder, instead of window? Eliz, I hope youre fixin to go back to school. LET A YANKEE HELP YOU OUT! Not at all. LETS GO METS!] I went up North and I mingled with the people of Michigan. Moved to Arkansas. Southerners once again proving they are, in fact, dumber than a box of rocks. This is great made me laugh a little bit =]. Umyou might get shot. 6. how the birds got their colours script. Hey yall, when you refer to the South, remember to capitalize it. Oh, honey is a good beginning for every sentence in the South. Guess you didnt know Georgia leads the Nation in Yards that have The Ten Commandments in From of Them, (Signs). Dont visit or move to any other region and expect to change people. There are PLENTY of DEEP south Floridans! First of all, everybody knows that Arkansas is in the South. However. The Civil War was more political than any consideration for the rights of slaves, including those in the Northern States. Its a term of endearment, practically, here. Now, my husband is not southern in any way, shape, fashion or form. A true Southern is polite and genteel in their manner. Sure, this could mean puttering around, but Southerners also like to use it as an adjective, meaning something small or trivial (in a bad way). (That school is literally in the same neighborhood as the Centers for Disease Control, by the way! Nun Ya April 04 | 2019. LOL. I was up there for many years and only found one family whose grandparents were native to Michigan. Oh n home made french bread. Go back and dont return. Yes, snooty ass Yankees, its HOT down here! WE SAY BLESS YOUR HEART DOWN EHRE TOO!! https://www.theodysseyonline.com/the-war-of-words, http://www.theonion.com/article/south-postpones-rising-again-for-yet-another-year-377, http://hottytoddy.com/2014/11/07/10-things-you-miss-when-you-move-away-from-the-deep-south/, So You Want A Southern Home? Its very akin to what youd hear in England, only with a few different inflections. Well shut my mouth, arent the the cutest little thing. drunker then Cooter Brown East TN phrase. Party Gravy: A puddle at any public celebration consisting of water, spilled spirits, glitter, and possibly bodily fluids. lived in the South; again, I promise.). Someone gonna git hurt sure enough fractions? I was raised in michigan, but lived in georgia for a few yrs. Its crazy!! More true info in that one post than most Americans now know about that war. No one could believe I was from the South. But opting out of some of these cookies may have an effect on your browsing experience. (Yes, shocking! Idunno a.k.u.n.a. However, I will say this, and I dont want to generalize all Southerners, but a good portion of Southerners are some of the most two-faced, back-stabbing, phonies on the planet. Im from Arkansas, and we say, youre dumber than a box of rocks. Seriously? But when I see the sun rise over the Blue Ridge Mountains and the fog burns off the hills and hollers Ive always call home I know theres no where else Id rather be. 18008 Bothell Everett Hwy SE # F, Bothell, WA 98012. Ive met dumb Yankees and dumb respects.only thing that stays true is that yall damn yankees wouldnt know how to play football if your life depended on it, The south only LOST cuz we ran outta bullets. What a LAUGH! Jan 27, 2009. Savannah Most of Indiana is full of farms and people are considered conservative and Hillbilly unless you live in the northwest or lake and porter county. Anyone trying to figure out what a Southerner means probably needs to listen to tone. I actually find it comfortable speaking with several of the southern words despite the looks I get. Oh, and btw since they STARTED the American Civil War, theyre gonna want to discuss this with you. Why on earth is the "south" in "southern" pronounced differently from the word "south"? Swing by KC some time and you will have the most authentic and true experience of what Midwest is.