Another relevant source isa set of maps createdby Army Map Service that is titled Thailand 1:50,000, Series L708, Edition-1. Thank you for your service! Thank you in advance . The outer perimeter was sprayed with AO and I believe we started flying sorties to spray AO in Laos and Viet Nam. Pic of F-100 is a Guard figher, My Husband, CSM Charles Floyd, 1969-1970, at LZ Nancy, in 77th Armor. We finally have the government say we were exposed to Agent Orange. I worked the Hot Pad just above this ramp and loaded C-130s on 5060. I was stationed at NKP from Jan 71 to Jan 72. I was at NKP 1967-68 with the 56th Transportation Squadron. Nope. Said I would receive benefits in 4 weeks. From Wikipedia the free encyclopedia. Security Police Squadron, Me too 35th SPS, Heavy Weapons We eventually got moved into the hooches. My first base assignment after tech school was Eglin assigned to the 33rd TFW, MMS. Better known as the Rose Garden. During my TDY, we were at the perimeter of Utapao daily with the aircraft preparing for each trip and return. I was only on the ground for 8 days with my C-130, and I remember walking each day thru tall weeds between my barracks and the flightline. I have been turned down more than once for benefits. From 1961 to 1975, the United States Air Force deployed aircraftthroughoutThailand, and these planes were responsible for the majority of USAF air strikes over North Vietnam. I would like to hear from any veteran who served in Korat and is living with bladder cancer, and from any of the guys that were in the 331st Bluestreak the same time I was. The modernized airfield consisted of two 10,000-foot runways 04L/22R concrete and 04R/22L AM-2 planking with parallel taxiways and covered and open aircraft revetments along with several ramps and parking aprons on both sides . Serviced at Camp Friendship 1970 1971 442nd Signal(microwave tech) on the perimeter of Friendship and Korat AFB. I didnt find out that they used agent orange on our base till a few years ago. I only was approved for Agent Orange exposure due to my being able to PROVE to the VA that, on my way to Thailand, our military transport plane landed at Saigon and when I left we were routed on the military plane and landed on Saigon on the way home! Over the years I became Diabetic, have issues with my thyroid, heart. An EWO on AC-130s A&H Models. Well, March 26 of 2020 he died suddenly of a heart attack, he had recovered, we thought, from a major stroke in November of 2019. Surrounded by lush jungle and rice paddies. I am still trying to fight this though. After coming home, 7 months later went to Ubon TDY with the 33rd. Vit Nam Wikipdia Im trying to help my mother get benefits resulting from my fathers death. Since 2000 I have found a great passion. This meant I was on my hands, kness and on my back under the aircraft to get to my equipment. Based Phan Rang AFB April 68 69 with Colorado ANG, 120TFS, and assigned to 35FMS Jet Engine shop. Anyone remember Kenneth Hamlin? Salute. Im still fighting this and will not give up! We could be more helpful to your search if you could provide us more information, such as; I would like the coordinates of Company C if possible. If so, any luck? is not right!!!! If anyone could help I would appreciate it. I was stateioned at NKP, Thailand and on my Discharge Physical in 1971, it was determined that I had a HEART MURMUR which was NOT present when I enlisted. Even did a day trip to Vietnam to repair and load 25k loaders on a C141 before the fall of Saigon. In turn, Oxidative Stress is shown as the primary cause for VITILIGO to occur. 15 January 1968 Thankfully, he is still around. There is a Facebook group that I have found very helpful. I left the service 12/76. Air Force units closed operations 26 February 76. It is located 5.2 miles (8.4km) northnorthwest of Phan Rang Thp Chm in Ninh Thun Province. Agree with Jack Hart. His mother passed never telling him who his father was . Towers,Bunkers m60. FIRST VA CLAIM DENIED MAY 2020 Phan Rang Air Base (also called Thnh Sn Air Base) is a Vietnam People's Air Force (VPAF) (Khong Quan Nhan Dan Viet Nam) military airfield in Vietnam. I was in Life Support, maintained all equipment used by pilots. It wasnt a us base then. I served at Udorn RTAFB from SEP 69 thru AUG 70. This site brings back a lot of memories. I worked with linguists and morse intercept operators. You sent us there and now have abanded us. Library of Congress. He recently passed and was exposed to agent orange. According to the US Department of Defense, 52,700 containers of Agent Orange, 29,000 containers of Agent White, and 5000 containers of Agent Blue were prepared at Da Nang airbase between. I also spent much of my free time in the city of Korat. . My dad was a strong person so Im wondering what happened then/there that would have scared him so much. I am currently waiting to have a medical exam in November, having recently submitted an intent to file through my Service Officer. On and off flightline daily to preflight and postflight equipment aboard aircraft. Hi all I know this is a long shot but Ive tried many and every means to help me to form my family puzzle in terms of my moms side in which I can say currently. in Thailand under JFK, An article about U.S. operations in Thailand. I was put in hootches when I first arrived. passed away at the age of 82 on March 1, 2021 in Albuquerque NM. The VA thinks I am making it up on my AO Exposure Claim. I cannot prove to the VA that the Vitiligo was a result of exposure to Dioxin causing my auto-immune system to fail. Please note that there are various VA Websites that discuss the numerous side effects of being exposed to Agent Orang, one of which is: Phan Rang Air Base was an important United States Air Force base during the Vietnam War. Probably not, they will just tear down all the monuments. Some stories about the impact of Agent Orange can be heard firsthand by way ofthe Library of Congress Veterans History Project, which contains interviews with Vietnam War veterans. Since the 1970,s I have had Chronic liver disease, not rated by the VA as due to Agent Orange. I went through the DAV and they were exceptionally good at helping me get what I deserve. At that time I was seen and diagnosed with Vitiligo. Would be interesting to know if this was one of those locations. Leroy Paluch, Michael Everett, Stephen Lawson I recall 1-2 days where there was a thick chemical fog over the base in U-Tapao; not sure whether this was AO. Sqdrn. It wasnt diagnosed till 2009, tho while I was still active duty different doctors mentioned they were sure I had it. Please read our Standard Disclaimer. I was stationed at Phan Rang AB from May 1968 to May 1969 with the 35th Field Maintenance Squadron. I found maps of the Thai bases on line, had the vet mark where he was at on base, and how close it was to the perimeter, and the claims have been approved. I do have a DD 214. But in the case of veterans who served solely in Thailand,the Veterans Administration states: To receive benefits for diseases associated with herbicide exposure, these Veterans must show on a factual basis that they were exposed to herbicides during their service as shown by evidence of daily work duties, performance evaluation reports, or other credible evidence.This writer notes that the policyis source of debate, anger, and frustration for some American militaryveterans and their families. Tom, I have only been able to contact Mark Monroe which was on the flight line while I was there. vulnerable and weak. I have not tried to file with the VA. Find this document! from oct, 1967 to jan. We lived in hootchs and had wooden sidewalks when I first arrived, but eventually they were replaced with concrete. Pancreatic Cancer is not on the designated list of diseases caused by AO, and thats what his death certificate says he died of. . Served with the 809th D company I served with 355th out of Takhli 1969-1970. and Good luck! If you are in crisis or having thoughts of suicide, from mid 69 to mid 70 worked in the base photo lab doing recon photo . We also had a breakout of Malaria and the fogged all through the hooch area every night, the dosage was stronger than what is legal in the USA. Our rear area base camp was located at Phang Rang. She asked me if I was in the military during the Vietnam war. Wishing you and all of us in this long fought battle, the best. Thanks for your help and of course, thanks for your service! We flew out of Travis AFB in June 1967 and eventually landed in Bangkok, Thaailand for transport to Udorn. I wish all my fellow veterans who served in Thailand to get the recognitions we deserve. I lost the hair on most of my arms, especially on my wrists for several years. But I found it. Is he a relative? Looking for others that were stationed in Avionics (AMS) during 1973. Installations and Facilities, Bangkok, Thailand,1 November, 1969. K-9 MWD: Attack on Phan Rang AB. - VSPA They are trying to determine where exactly he was and if he went off base. s/ pete Thank you for gathering and preserving these records and stories. Reply to Kimberly Smith. Phan Rang Air Base Phan Rang and Bin Ha Convoys, 1966 Photos by . Phan Rang Air Base - History - LiquiSearch Nothing on my DD-214 to confirm black ops trips to Korat/Ubon AFB, Thailand or bombing raids over Vietnam/Laos. I lived in a hootch not far from the flight line when air craft took off dust went every where . The whole camp was defoliated to build the camp. Red Horse hooches were no more than 10-15 yards from the perimeter road at NKP. Ann Myers, you need to file for DIC benefits. 2022 White Phan Rang AB Reunion T-shirt From $20.00 View Options. I researched found nothing about that so called event. My father was in Saigon with the airforce ground forces in Saigon during the tet offensive. On at least one occasion we The PACT passed late last year by Congress should make it much easier to get claims adjudicated faster with less bullshit from the VA. Best of luck to all Vets who are suffering the ravages of AO. Are there any Facebook groups on Marble Mountain. The FLR-9 Although I never spent much time at Phan Rang Airbase, during the latter part of 1969 our headquarters moved from Nha Trang airbase to Phan Rang. Claim sat dormant for 7 months. Go to to purchase the entire video, or to see movie trailers of over 700 other military videos.This 60-minute DVD documents Air Force activities at Phan Rang Air Base between 1966 and 1970. He has always had bronchitis with cough, hypertension, neuropathy and heart disease. aircrew member on an EC121 Rivet Top aircraft. Several weeks later,we were told by the squadron commander that he had tracked down a few barrels of agent orange at the Air Force base at Udorn. Munitions Specialist. I operated a USAFPCS Truck from the APO to the Aerial Port Terminal, driving along the base perimeter road that ran parallel to the base perimeter fencing, where almost daily Thais were busy spraying the foliage with a sweet smelling item (later found out to be herbicides (aka Agent Orange), so our Security Forces could have a clear killing zone in case of any impending Sapper Attacks occured. Unfortunately the rules dictating the contents of comments on Library of Congress blog posts does not allow personal information to be published. Last mission was the rescue of the S.S. Mayuguez crew captured by Cambodian Communists on May 15, 1975. I was first denied by the VA, but quickly GRANTED a VA Disability when the Dale K. Graham Veterans Foundation required a higher level review. If you or anyone else here served as an air police augmentee for guard duty while in Thailand you will probably be covered. Would like to contact fellow airmen stationed at Korat during that period. The GI that was in charge also got burned real bad and was sent to Clark AFB dont know if he ever lived or not!! Does anyone live in Thailand? Merry Christmas, huh? It was an honor and pleasure serving with you guys. I transferred to the VA clinic in St. George, UT. Anyone have knowledge of or pictures of comm gear on the perimeter? Dont give up keep fighting for our rights and benefits. Several years ago I met a CIA analyst who during our chat told me served at Udorn as an Air Force enlisted man. Spent 9/68 to 9/69 at U-Tapao and was assigned to MMS fixing jammers and trailers on far side of base. I worked for the USAFSS in 1975 at Utapao; my little group serviced U-2 aircraft (ECM and encrypted radios) based there which intercepted radio communications while soaring at high altitude over Laos and Cambodia. I got assigned as a Augmentee to security police and r was on peremiter several times as well as in the jungle . DoD officials say not every base suffering such contamination is on the list, because information was not available for all bases. The US deployment came home in 75, but the Thais around the areas of the bases were exposed to it continuously then and since. Was stationed @ NKP 1968-1969 , 556th RED HORSE , working airfield / perimeter daily ,,, signed with the DAV , Saginaw MI , 2017 , after wife kept at me to do so. #1 Tm kim link Fshare nhanh chng, chnh xc - game chay vuot chuong ngai vat. Yes they would send you to Vietnam on Christmas. There were canine units there. It is very readable. Please read our Comment & Posting Policy. One day our canteens were filled with water that was brown in color. I was sstationeed at Karot TDY from CCK Taiwan may 74-July 74, I worked flight line for 2 months 24/7 on 130s, would like to talk with anyone who served at this time. I am sure Agent Orange was used at Utapao. Sent another request for reconsideration in 2022, it takes months awaiting that response.Problem is I do not have copies of TDY orders from 50 years ago. I served in the army at comm sites at Utapao Korat, and Hill 272 Sattahip. The majority of the fuel can from Bangkok in 3170 gallon trucks. I was assigned as a Security Policeman at all bases in Thailand . His name is Robert Knerler. [22], A No. I am also looking for any pictures or information about Michael Corbin and James (Jimmy) Corbin. Also, have been hit with Inclsion Body Myositis-IBM (diagnosed following two muscle biopsies). Hi Was on TDY Mar through Aug 1973 (from Nellis AFB) Worked out of POL as a Flightline Monitor. We flew over Cambodia locating transmitters of the Khmer Rouge during their invasion of Phnom Penh. I have been denied any benefits for Agent Orange and my health is failing loosing my motor skills and quality of life. My sons father is a Brewster but to young to been in Vietnam. 809th Engs, May 69-May70, I have been fighting VA for a while, to no avail. Where do I get specific there were also rescue misssions being conducted daily for downed us pilots. Thailand also was buffered from the conflict zone by Laos and Cambodia, thereby making it safer forAmerican personnel. I was at Takhli right after it reopened till July or August 1973. I was in the 311th Air Commando Sq/311th Special Ops Sq July 68 to July 69 as a Loadmaster on C-123Ks, SSgt. Its sad that we are finally eligible for disability benefits after most of us are gone, and for my condition (Multiple Myeloma) not long to go. I was with co b 809th engineer bn. However, I get discouraged from all the horror stories Ive heard with claims being denied and dont know who could help me file? This area I have now learned was also sprayed. There was a small detachment of Army Trac 97 electronic technicians next door to the Quenset Hut where my electronics was located. By the time I left in 1970 the vegetation was gone. I was stationed at Korat 74-75 388 MMS 46250 weapons mech F4. Laos during the period beginning Dec1, 1965 and ending Sept 30, 1969. I also survived Brain Surgeries 20-years later. He ha all the diabetis, two open heart surgeries and parkensons. there was a sattahip underwater cable that was blown up during my year there and all communications from that were rerouted thru warin ics. Greatly appreciate any information. Includes excellent aerial views of the base via helicopter. I am not sure he was ever stationed there. Served campfrindship 1967-68. Prostate cancer, ishemic heart disease, hypothyroidism. I was stationed at NKP in Northeast Thailand on the boarder with Laos. Is a great honor. I said what is that. I entered the USAF Reserves and eventually was promoted to Lt Col and retired in 1992, after suffering a ruptured brain aneurysm. What they did to everyone is terrible and not just. Squadrons of F4Cs, the coolest plane ever. Since I was originally TDY and then loaned out to the 123 my records dont show me as having served around AO. Thomas E. Marchbanks, Jr., Chief Air Force Reserve, Hq. I was stationed at NKP in 1970-71, 1987th Comm. Stationed at 442 Signal Battalion (LL) Warin Thailand in 1970 as a Wheeled Vehicle Mechanic. Phan Rang AB News No. I was @ Don mong airforce base in 67 and 68. in communications. 2 Squadron RAAF was stationed, under the operational control of the American 35th Tactical Fighter Wing. During my annual physical exam with lab work my doctor found I had diabetes and high BP. I was also told if I get cancer I qualify anyone have any information please contact me. I deployed to U-Tapao from August 10, 1970, to Aug 10, 1971. I have recurring skin cancers melanoma, basal, squamous cell cancer. Permalink, Amything on LARRY LANHART? I have a picture of him in front of Jet with four other men, i I have there names and would like to find them also! I served in the U.S. Air Force Security Police K-9 at Korat RTAFB from October 1969 to October 1970. I flew two Spotter missions with USAF O1E pilot Lt. Rainey, flying through the mountain valleys looking for Viet Cong. No grass or weeds inside nor outside perimeter. That he personally killed four. I was stationed in namphong Thailand from 1973 to 1974 I was attached to the airwing and we supported the war from there. Both times, I was blown off (military records confirm this). I installed /operated Tropo Scatter TRC-90s near Udorn and at Royal Thai Airbase in Udorn. until reading this , from this blog. I was stationed at Takhli RTAFB in 72/73 and after 11 years of battling the VA I have been granted 100% disabled due to diabetes and severe poly neuropathy. Ive studied the recognized dates. Their policy of claimants having to prove duty on or near the perimeter is flawed as it does not allow for any possibility that the toxic dioxin contaminants spread throughout the bases by vehicle and foot traffic, atmospheric natural winds and turbulence created by aircraft and helicopters, munitions movements, dust storms, animals, flowing ground waters after rain storms, etc. Any one in UDORN around 1971? He was loved by all of his students. Also did guard duty 3 times on the outskirts of the base when we were on high alert, not listed on my record. While one can see the locations of Thai military facilities, absent are installations and perimeter defenses that may have been added later by American forces. Do any of you (besides Gary) know anything about Nam Phong, otherwise known as MCAS Rose Graden? Why dont you try looking there. Like This Movie Trailer? Then, six months before discharge, I injured it a fourth time. Brass was not amused. Leg and arm muscles are wasting away. Im looking for anyone who might have worked with my dad Chuck Forbes in Udorn. old and a widower. THE OIC IN CHARGE WAS , WAYNE L COTTRELL. Lived in the concrete barracks both tours and the same one both times 2257. believe it or not prostate cancer 2012 and kidney bladder cancer 2020. Ive been through treatments and surgeries since July, 2016 and will continue treatments possibly for the rest of my life. also Bien Hoa, Ben Thuy, Nha Trang, Da Nang,Cam Rhan Bay, and a miserable little base in the delta called Soc Trang. 22 A photograph of the base perimeter of Phan Rang Air Base at the time 6.Any photos of the tanker trucks that sprayed the base or photos of men spraying the perimeter fencing, yep, I have sent those in with claims, too. I did not find anyone I knew on this listing, but I came across Jackie McKenzie who wanted to get certain info about her husbands locations on base. That should show my exposure but there were no written orders for that assignment. Ill never forget my year at Phan Rang AB, it was a good assignment for me. The Cardiologist said the stroke was caused by atrial fibrillation of his heart, then the lower chambers gave out. It was all dead. Made many trips to Bangkok for the Officer and NCO Clubs. The owner of the land was NOT happy. I was there 70 71 315 CAM C123 OLD SHAKEY SGT ROLAND IVY ALSO AUGMENTEE FOR AIR FORCE SECURITY. VA will not accept that being on a Thai Base should be sufficient to claim exposure to Agent Orange. Can I use this blog as apiece of evidence to support his claim? we had no military police to do this. In April 1975, the Peoples Army of Vietnam seized the base, and today it is used by the Vietnam Peoples Air Force. Histories, yearbooks, scrapbooks, journals, and more. I have been asked to present my Video Play at the Library of Congress this summer. The latter group was composed of U.S. government civilian personnel, such as ambassadorial staff, intelligence analysts, contractors, and others. He passed away from Pancreatic Cancer on July 4th, 2016, three and a half months after being diagnosed with diabetes and the cancer. Have fun fighting the system. I was stationed at Udorn (USAF)in 1967-68. newsletters, photo collections, and remembrance lists for Phan Rang Air Base Was a clerk in Enarie, at 4IFD HQ Casualties 5/69-~9/69, then 29 MH as combat artist to 4/70. My husband served in the marine stationed in Udorn Thiland in 1962. went up Route 1, heloed to the mountains as a door gunner, worked on the sue16, loaded the bombs, etc. Ive been suffering for many years from diabetes, Crohns, and inflammations of my fingers. 120th TFS F-100 Phan Rang Air Base 1968.jpg 746 503; 82 KB. Having trouble proving I had perimeter guard duty! I was an Army Security Agency Intelligence analyst at both Ramasun and Utapao 1974/75. given the vietnam service medal and our unit received the republic of vietnam gallantry cross. He told my sister he worked on the perimeter of the base and we have pictures of big communications antennas. I believe I have bladder cancer as a result of exposure to AO. We were located 81K from Korat in the mountains, in the jungle. Since then Ive had cancer , neuropathy in my feet and have had Asthma a number of years. mercredi 24 aot 2016, Journaux, St-Georges, Qubec :Corporation Sun mdia,2009- Branch of service: I was exposed to agent orange at utapao thailand in 1970/71. After the second world war the French conituned to use the base throughout the french Indochine War.In 1966 the US Air Force set up their base at Phan Rang and remained their until . Cobra, BravoZulu, Head Shot and 1 other person. I met Phan Wannemether, First Secretary of the Royal Thai Embassy, in London, on December 21. Home The only pavement was where they parked the Bombers and Tankers and the runway. On the reverse is a map titled U.S. Public outcry and official investigations followed. My Dad, Marvin M. Parker, from GA, was an Air Force airman serving in Udorn, Thailand (1970-1971). Anybody else having trouble? Empresas similares. Am 6 foot 3 inch Af American. I filed a VA Claim for PAD in early October 2019 and it came back approved in late October 2019. I was Security Police. If there is anything that I can do to help you with. I was 20 years old and after Thailand I had acne until I was about 25 I develop hypertension and hypothyroidism at about 40.I will be contacting my VSO as soon as possible to the inquiry about a claim. I did not mentioned the wonderful 23 days on the WW2 troop ship, USS Blatchford. I Michael E Schellerer was a B-52 D crew chief on 0100 and others witch later on ended up in Guam on a pedestal at the entrance to GUAM AFB. I have been diagnosed with Ischemic Heart Disease (two heart-attacks). In 2011 diagnosed with Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia. I was at Ubon 70-71 as a weapons loader 408th MMS. They paid the locals to keep their fields low. Im not sure if that klong ran parallel to front gate. I was at Phan Rang in 1966 1967. Well I did in 2018 and Im still fighting for it. Don Williams, my first husband, Robert M. Bowen, was stationed at Tan Son Nhut air base near Saigon from July 1967 to July 1968 and was in communications. I wonder if the Thai Government would fess up to the surrounding areas from our Bases had many people come down with symtoms of Agent Orange. He told us he had a great time with the Aussie pilots that were based there. You are telling a fib sir. Surgey for tumor removal and repair of a broken humorus bone from the tumor., radiation, and 6 months of intensive high dose chemo. I believe the later was for tracking flights. Developed prostate cancer in 2020 and type 2 diabetes. Dont know how to get it to those who want iit. I was stationed at Binh Thuy most of 1966. Can barely walk because of the pain. You can also find stories of how base medical personnel treated local villagers, and how Christmas was celebrated on the base. we lived in the contonment area which is where i got bladder cancer from AO. in the mean time, we cleared the area and started support facilities and our base camp. all that time. Any help would be welcomed. Looking at an agent orange map I See the drift area cover most of the living area. Im looking for any photos or friends of my two (2) brothers. Built by the Imperial Japanese Army during their reign in the Second World War, this airfield was used by the French Air Force during the First Indochina War, then abandoned in 1954. Even cancelled my C & P appt. Agent Orange is an herbicide that was used to defoliate the thick jungle in Vietnam and elsewhere in Southeast Asia, such as the Korean Demilitarized Zone. Has anyone received a positive resolution with the VA. Stationed at Camp Friendship Korat 67-68. Looking for any info on when the 354 th TFS was there at that time to prove boots on the ground. Phan Rang Air Base - Phan Rang-Thap Cham Forum - Tripadvisor No. Any recalls would greatly appreciated. Possible exposure due to Department of Defense herbicide tests and storage at military installations in the United States and at locations in other countries, and locations added by the PACT Act.