323rd Field Artillery Battalion (105 Howitzer) My dad was killed in action that morning as the GIs slugged their way out of the Hurtgen and advanced to the villages of Strass and Gey. June 25, 1944: Omaha Beach The 22nd Division's artillery regiment was positioned to the east of Le Quesnoy with security provided by a battalion of Infantry Regiment 82. Days of house-to-house fighting under thick smoke, artillery fire, and fighter-bomber attacks could not convince the Germans to give up. On this Wikipedia the language links are at the top of the page across from the article title. Because of its turbulent past as a privateer stronghold, the town was protected by stone walls. The 331st Infantry Regiment of the 83rd Infantry Division in Europe At the camp, the troops found approximately 1,100 inmates. All I hope is that he puts these Germans in their place, when this is over. The 83rd Infantry Division ("Thunderbolt" [1]) was a formation of the United States Army in World War I and World War II . The call to victory beckons. From the 1st through the 5th of October, the 83rd advanced in heavy combat to the West Wall across the Sauer as the 329th fought the battle for Grevenmacher. Organized 26 August 1917 at Camp Zachary Taylor, Kentucky. His letter is the incredible story of a GI's journey through the war. 3rd Platoon: 1st Lieutenant Frank R. Yukl, killed on July 4, 1944 They fought in the Ardennes, facing the point of the German Bulge. Enter your email address to follow this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. We specialize in Army patches. 12th FA Obsn Battalion (-Btrie A), from August 7th to 16th, 1944 For the first time in more than a month, they faced heavy artillery fire. The earlier nickname, "Ohio," was based on the division's insignia (which includes the name "Ohio," where the division was raised during World War I). 174th FA Group, from August 1st to 16th, 1944 They continued the mission, and took Remich on 28 September. He said they were "so clean looking, with a full compliment of men in each unit. Original U.S. WWII 330th Infantry Regiment Named WIA Medals and I am looking for general info: Where they were based in US. U.S. Intelligence estimated between 3,000 and 6,000 German troops occupied St. Malo. They moved by truck to the Hurtgen Forest west of Aachen to relieve the 12th Infantry. The 330th, detached from the 83rd, helped clean out the Harz Mountains, a pocket of resistance that had been bypassed by the fast riding 329th and 331st. On June 18, 1944, less than two weeks after the Allied D-Day invasion of western Europe, the "Thunderbolt" division landed on Omaha Beach and began advancing into France. 331st infantry 83rd division ourgrowingpaynes New Member Joined: Oct 6, 2016 Messages: 3 Likes Received: 0 I am researching my grandfather's military history. At war's end, the "Thunderbolt" division had established a bridgehead on the Elbe River. K Company This photo was taken in February 1945, and the war in Europe ended three months later. 322nd Field Artillery Battalion (105 Howitzer) Wikizero - List of Allied forces in the Normandy campaign D Company S/Sgt. July 14, 1944: Hotat Men of the British 22nd Independent Parachute Company, 6th Airborne Division being briefed for the invasion, 4-5 June 1944. . To slow the spread of sickness and death, the 83rd Division ordered the local German mayor to supply the camp with food and water. Rolland Despres, 4th platoon, B Company, 1 Bn, 331st IR, 83rd Infantry 216.368.2000 The 83d Infantry Division arrived in England on 16 April 1944. When the 83rd Infantry arrived in Langenstein, its troops found some 1,100 inmates in very poor physical condition. Main telephone: 202.488.0400 Cleveland, November 22"Here it is, another Thanksgiving Day that I won't be home. We still have a lot to be thankful for; some of the things that happen over here don't seem possibleThe mail situation is bad again, probably due to the Christmas rush. Every enemy unit or town that surrendered or was captured subscribed its quota of rolling stock for the division, usually at gunpoint. Pvt. It is beginning to look as if they really want to get totally destroyed, and if that's what they want, they are going to get it."TDC. June 17, 1944: Southampton, England W. L. Arnold--AT Company, 329th Infantry Regiment B Company Gen. Willard A. Holbrook (23 March 1918), and finally Maj. Gen. Edwin F. Glenn (3 April 1918). After high school graduation he attended the Washburn University School of Law and was admitted to the Bar as a practicing attorney. Infanterie-Division) was a unit of the Imperial German Army in World War I. It's funny how good the news sounds, but anyway, I hope it ends soon--the sooner the better. Nicknames: Thunderbolt Division, The Rag-Tag-Circus and the Ohio Division. This is the Facebook outlet of 83rdinfdivdocs.org and the people behind the research and data. 83rd Infantry Division (United States) - Wikipedia 331 Infantry Regiment 83rd Infantry Division. The 331ST INFANTRY REGIMENT served during WORLD WAR I as part of the U.S. Army 83d Infantry Division. August 20, 1944: Cesson-Svign Platoon, 2nd.Batallion, 331 first Regiment of the 83rd Infantry Division, advanced to the rank of Sgt. What this shows is that the 330th IR is occupying a line on the north side of themarsh anchored from the south to the north-east fromLe Moulin through Le Port and St. Andre de Bohon to Manior. Most of them were in tears. The shoulder sleeve insignia of the 83rd Division insignia consists of a letters in gold spelling out the word "O-H-I-O" on a black isosceles triangular background. Click here to see the trail of the 83rd. The amount of ground covered by the 83rd Division from Normandy in June 1944 to Central Germany in April 1945 is difficult to comprehend--over 1,400 miles. It was deployed to France in 1918. B. Lyon Company, 1912. Demobilized 18 February 1919 at Camp Zachary Taylor, Kentucky. Henry Irving Tannenbaum--Company F, 331st Infantry Regiment October 8"There isn't a lot to write about over here. Find topics of interest and explore encyclopedia content related to those topics, Find articles, photos, maps, films, and more listed alphabetically, Recommended resources and topics if you have limited time to teach about the Holocaust, Explore the ID Cards to learn more about personal experiences during the Holocaust. The division was activated in September 1917 at Camp Sherman, Ohio. Weapons Platoon SirJames 139 Sergeant Major The air was choked with dust so thick that they couldn't see, and the concussion so great that their clothing ballooned out. H Company That city was taken on 13 April. The drive carried them eight miles beyond their starting point. The 83d Infantry Division arrived in England on 16 April 1944. 56th FA Battalion (8th Div) (105 How), from August 6th to 15th, 1944 1st Battalion, 331st Infantry Regiment, 83rd Infantry Division At the end, the 83rd Division, born in war, was disbanded and all its men reassigned to other units. The Trench Line 331 Infantry Regiment, 83 Division Share 3 posts heed72 4 Private Sep 27, 2006 #1 Does anyone have any info on the US, 331 Infantry Regiment, 83 Divison? [4] After training in Wales, the division, taking part in the Allied invasion of Normandy, landed at Omaha Beach, 18 June 1944, and entered the hedgerow struggle south of Carentan, 27 June. Overall, the division had 170.2 percent replacements. Taking Remich on the 28th and patrolling defensively along the Moselle, the 83d resisted counterattacks and advanced to the Siegfried Line defenses across the Sauer after capturing Grevenmacher and Echternach, 7 October. The people still seemed surprised at the sight of American soldiers in their city. "Thank You Eddie Hart" Documentary Website (Company G, 329th Infantry) It was a trip of "two weeks that seemed like two months . The number of 83rd Division GIs killed in combat totaled 3,620. brothers we all know. var sc_partition=5; The 6th Regiment, Infantry, was organized June 24, 1799, of five companies, most of which dated back to 1785. 83rd Division "Thunderbolt" Message Board, Larry Dalton (field promotion to 2nd Lt., Silver Star). East Tennessee Veterans Memorial Association Rose, Jack W. Supporting tanks were knocked out on both sides of the town by mines in the streets, bazookas, and artillery fire. The story of how the 83rd survived winter in the Battle of the Bulge, 83rd Infantry Division Association website, 83rd Infantry Division Legacy Chapter Email Group, Mapping the Overlays: 83rd Division maps for Normandy Campaign, Samuel J. Bifano--B Battery, 324th Field Artillery, Sgt. Near Cherbourg. USAREUR Units - 83rd Inf Div - USArmyGermany.com In its one year of existence, the camp's population greatly expanded from 214 prisoners in April 1944 to about 5,400 in March 1945. Click here to see a photo of the 2nd platoon taken in September 44, when it was at full strength. man); Pfc. www.nps.gov 106th Cav Rcn Sq, from July 16th to 28th, 1944 On a Red metal shield is a black pile behind a gold Lorraine cross. 83rd Infantry Division US Army Divisions The division was disbanded in . If you are having trouble orienting yourself, le Port is toward the lower rightcorner, Sainteny to the left about 1/3 of the way down from the top, Culot is at the top, left, mostly off the map and Hottot toward the top about 2/3 of the way from the left. From one point of high ground to another, with the support of tanks, artillery, and engineers, they moved forward through enemy anti-personnel mine fields in rain, ankle-deep mud, and snow. A last note. I Company 1st Platoon before leaving for the ETO Sergeant Clarence Magariea of the 83rd Division, holds two captured Waffen-SS soldiers at bay against a wall in Sart. On June 18, 1944, less than two weeks after the Allied D-Dayinvasion of western Europe, the "Thunderbolt" division landed on Omaha Beach and began advancing into France. There were no welcoming home parades for the Thunderbolt Division, but the GIs of the 83rd would carry its memory home with them. Operation COBRA began the morning of 25 July. B Company Many of them are buried in U. S. Military Cemeteries, and can be found by searching the Welcome to the 331st Infantry Regiment documents sectionOn this page documents related to the 331st Infantry Regiment can be downloaded in the PDF format. Henry Irving Tannenbaum--Company F, 331st Infantry Regiment, They Served With Honor; A World War II Family Website, AWON Memorial Web Page, Massacre at Ottre, "Thank You Eddie Hart" Documentary Website (Company G, 329th Infantry), Pfc. By 29 November the First Army had just about cleared the Hurtgen Forest and was overlooking the Roer Valley. Mapping the Overlays: 83rd Division maps for Normandy Campaign December 13, 1813, the regiment was reduced . Return to Top His body was not recovered. Clarence W. Brown to my mother. Most Luxembourgers spoke several languages, and many spoke some English. Brothers-In-Arms: 83rd Division, 331st Infantry The division was formed in November 1914 as the "Division Posen 1", part of the Posen Corps (Korps Posen), and became the 83rd Infantry Division in June 1915. guns destroyed much of the enemy artillery and machine gun emplacements and forced them to surrender. Gen. Headquarters and Headquarters Battery, 83rd Infantry Division Artillery, 83rd Cavalry Reconnaissance Troop (Mechanized), Headquarters, Special Troops, 83rd Infantry Division, Headquarters Company, 83rd Infantry Division, 453rd Anti Aircraft Artillery Battalion Detachment, 25 June 1944: Third Army, but attached to the VIII Corps of, 10 September 1944: Ninth Army, 12th Army Group, 21 September 1944: Third Army, 12th Army Group, 11 October 1944: VIII Corps, Ninth Army, 12th Army Group, 22 October 1944: VIII Corps, First Army, 12th Army Group, 8 November 1944: Third Army, 12th Army Group, 11 November 1944: VIII Corps, First Army, 12th Army Group, 20 December 1944: Attached, with the entire First Army, to the, 26 December 1944: VII Corps, First Army (attached to British 21st Army Group), 12th Army Group, 16 February 1945: XIX Corps, Ninth Army, 12th Army Group, This page was last edited on 19 September 2022, at 17:37. The 83rd had three infantry regiments, the 329th, the 330th, and the 331st. They've seen the tree bursts in the Hurtgen, Commanding Officers Artillery: Brig. Charles Benjamin Leinbach - NHD Silent Heroes Social Media. To help orient yourself: Tribehou is still in the lower right corner, but Sainteny is now in the middle of the map. They are in our hearts and minds--always. These are the GIs of the 331st Infantry who made the ultimate sacrifice. The barn and the house are all built together and the front yard is the stable yard. Rhodes from Pretoria, South Africa. Once in France with the AEF and soon after the 332nd Infantry had been chosen for duty in Italy, Private Young was one of the men selected by and transferred to the 332nd Infantry's Company "L" from the 331st Infantry (the transfers between the two regiments were made in order to have the fittest and most qualified men in the ranks of the . K Company Those that sleep beneath our feet My father, Thomas Dickson Curry, was a member of Company F, 2nd Battalion, 331st Infantry Regiment, 83rd Division. Following a number of months of training in the United States, the regiment, under the command of Colonel William Wallace, embarked upon the troopship RMS Aquitania at New York, and departed for Europe on 8 June 1918. Most of the time they were in the center of the front line, and often out in front leading the way. H Company Finally, direct hits by 8-in. Mobley was the same medic that Robert Parsons (Sarge) describes in his book "Remembrances." 250th FA Battalion (105 How), from July 31st, 1944 to August 4th, 1944 The 329th lead the way most of the time and gained fame as the "Rag-Tag Circus" as they rode through the German provinces on tanks, motorcycles, jalopies, and any other means of transportation they could find. It took the direct fire of the attached 774th tank battalion to accomplish this. Gen. They had limited supplies of ammunition and rations, and no radio contact with Germany. The division went overseas in June 1918, and was designated as the 2nd Depot Division. Go to top.. assigned Squad Leader, Later I was advanced to the rank of S/Sgt. Chapter Twenty-Six of the author's The Great Boer War, which Smith, Elder, & Co. published in 1900.This web version is based on the Internet Archive version digitized from an unidentified library in 2010 with funding from the Lyrasis Members and Sloan Foundation.. Click on the image for a larger view. rifle and rocket grenades. Then, more than 380 medium bombers dropped 650 tons of high-explosive and fragmentation bombs, while 550 fighter-bombers dropped more than 200 tons of high-explosive and napalm. Currently, the 330th Regiment consists of three Battalions that fall under the command of the 4th Brigade, 95th Training Division. Deaths, the division's report continued, reached 500 per month. When Sgt. 331st Infantry Regiment; 83rd Infantry Division "Thunderbolt" U.S. Army; B; Sort by: name . All is safe for you to go. For there are only angels here in olive-drab, 65th Armored FA Battalion, from June 27th to July 4th, 1944 In the slaughter at Bihain. Special orders contain promotions on company levels. Melvin V. Park, K Company, 329th Infantry, 83rd Division My dad's story ends here, but the 83rd's does not. He was called to active duty on 26 October 1943, and was sent to the active duty reception center in New Cumberland, Pa. From there he went to Camp Blanding in Starke, Florida where he underwent basic training. The 83rd spent Thanksgiving in that tiny country. Task Force A (15th Cav Gp), from August 3rd to 5th, 1944, Infantry December 2"These shoes we wear are quite the thing--sometimes I think my feet would be warmer without shoes. I got a half-dozen packs of cigarettes from Mom the other day and they just got here in time--we didn't get any for a few days, so you can see that we are having the same trouble over here as the people back home. 83rd Infantry Division Documents - Fallen heroes of the 83rd Infantry Several months later, it crossed the Rhine and subsequently captured the German city of Halle on April 6, 1945. On 11 April 1945 the 83rd Division encountered Langenstein-Zwieberge, a subcamp of the Buchenwald concentration camp. The photo below is the original Company F before they shipped out. Leon Collins; S/Sgt. Newspapers.com. The west bank of the Rhine from north of Oberkassel to the Erft Canal was cleared and defensive positions established by 2 March and the division renewed its training. After a period of training, elements of the division took Chteauneuf-d'Ille-et-Vilaine, 5 August, and Dinard, 15 August, and approached the heavily fortified area protecting St. Malo. G Company: Captain Granville A. Capture of Le Quesnoy - Wikiwand The Germans knew the routes that the 83rd would have to take, and from concealed positions dug beneath the hedgerows, they ranged in on the advancing GIs with mortars and artillery. Headquarters Company; Looking for reliable information or news facts about WW2? 83rd Infantry Division Documents - 331st Infantry Regiment C Company P.E. 121st Inf (8th Div), from August 6th to 15th, 1944 Move out! H Company A Co, 87th Chemical Battalion, from July 5th to 16th, 1944 There are numerous monuments in France honoring the GIs of the 83rd Division. email _ | _ 83rd Division "Thunderbolt" Message Board _. Normandy Armed Forces Ww2 World War Combat Army Army 83rd Infantry Division - WWII In Europe Unsung Hero Photojournalism Vintage Pictures Us Army World War Two 1/329 : Major George A. Wishart The roads were strewn with German tanks, trucks and staff cars, and often with dead Germans. The 83rd Division command post was in a school building in the city of Luxembourg. 196th FA Group, from August 7th to 16th, 1944 332nd Infantry Regiment (United States) - Wikipedia American Battle Monuments Commission search engine at http://www.abmc.gov/search/wwii.php. Byron Herde, 331st Infantry Basements of houses became aid stations for the wounded. The 83rd had three infantry regiments, the 329th, the 330th, and the 331st. On the first day, the 83rd jumped off along the Carentan-Periers road, with the entire division artillery in support. A new nickname was desired to represent the nationwide origins of the division's personnel during World War II. C Co, 644th Tank Destroyer Battalion (SP), from August 9th to 16th, 1944, Chemical units Infanterie-Division) was a formation of the Imperial German Army in World War I. the official history of the 331st Infantry, 83rd Division. After training in Wales, the Division landed at Omaha Beach, 18 June 1944, and entered the hedgerow struggle south of Carentan, 27 June. Mobley wrote after the war to tell his wife where he had been and what he had done all those long months away from home. They landed across Omaha Beach and took over defensive positions near Carentan, where they relieved the 101st Airborne around the end of the month. On 5 November, the 83rd, as part of Operation UNICORN, took Le Stromberg Hill near Basse Kontz after extended fighting and defeated several counterattacks. Haute-Marne. The 330th Infantry Across Europe Assistant Division Commanders: Brig. June 22-28, 1944. It must have seemed that the world was coming to an end, as wave after wave of bombers delivered continuous shockwaves of exploding bombs that shook the earth and turned it into a lunar landscape. The 83rd Division established a bridgehead over the river. On the 7th, the 329th took the city of Echternach on the Sauer River. We focus on gathering information and documents on the World War 2 history of the United States 83rd. Frank E Douglas earned the Silver Star for action the 8th August 1944, serial no 0-1296500. August 25, 1944: Chteaubriant. From Atterbury to the Elbe He had brown hair and brown eyes, and a ruddy complexion attributable to his Scotch-Irish ancestry. 83rd Infantry Division in World War II Research CD Set - WorldWar2Files.com I sure wouldn't want to live the way they do. They not only fought in Normandy and Brittany, but liberated Luxembourg. The 330th took Strass and the 331st took Gey, one of the most strategic points in the network of German defenses protecting the vital approaches to Duren. On 25 September the 83rd Division crossed into Luxembourg. July 3, 1944: Pontorson D. Root; S/Sgt. The division crossed the Leine, 8 April, and attacked to the east, pushing over the Harz Mountain region and advancing to the Elbe at Barby. Cleveland, Commander 331st Anti-Tank Company, Third Platoon, Company B - 331st They landed across Omaha Beach and from there, they fought all across Europe. D-Day and Battle of Normandy media library: archives photos and videos, Souvenir shop featuring t-shirts, caps, mugs, models or posters inspired by D-Day and the Battle of Normandy, D-Day Overlord - Marc Laurenceau 2003-2023. Previous page: 330th Infantry Regiment Map Overlays It seems to be drawn from the perspective of the 330th IR, or it was produced for the regiment, since it has the locations for the other two regiments but nothing for the 330th. Popularity; Last added; Last edited; Name; Date of birth; Date of death; Grid List. Oliver and view many of the photos by clicking here. "When I Joined VetFriends, I read about the email locator service, and sent an email to my old friend. The GIs fought in a house-to-house struggle through artillery, machine gun and small arms fire. Sharp Also, that the prisoners had been forced to work 16-hour days in nearby mines, and were shot if they became too weak to work. "TDC, On 6 December, the 83rd gave positions along the Moselle Valley to the 22nd Infantry of the 4th Division. The 9th Army had also been slowly advancing north of Aachen towards the Roer. Col. Shonak recalls those brutal days in a series of letters, which for the first time tell the true horror of warfare in the Normandy hedgerows: "God we lost a lot of men. The inmates were malnourished and in extremely poor physical condition. Although he was a young man, my father was ancient by Army standards. Share a testimony from a relative or a friend, veteran or civilian, resistance member, ally or German, actor or witness of History. His great uncle, Pfc. Charles P. Nelson; and James R. Duncan (runner after Luxembourg). Div Lamb, Emanuel (H) Lt. Col. Leniel MacDonald Richmond, Floyd J. At times they had to blast supply routes through the hedges. Bruce L. Leininger - Mapping the Overlays, 2015, 12 July 330 Infantry Regiment Outpost Plan, 12 July, 12:00: 83rd Infantry Division Situation. Mustered out: June 23, 1864. In 1985, the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum and the US Army's Center of Military History began a program to honor US Army divisions that took part in the liberation of Nazi camps. These newly-acquired vehicles were quickly painted olive-green and fitted with a U.S. star before joining the 83rd. var sc_security="ff55f57b"; Gilles Billion, an 83rd Division Re-enactor, has provided photos for many of these monuments. The division entered the hedgerow struggle south of Carentan. B Co, 168th Engr C Bn, from August 6th to 15th, 1944 It turned out to be a bit of a rabbit hole. All is safe for you to go. The day before Thanksgiving, Hershell asked for two volunteers to help him cut up turkeys. On this Wikipedia the language links are at the top of the page across from the article title. By the end of September, the division had moved into Luxembourg. The patches we carry are of the highest quality. Past Grand Masters of Nebraska - ww.nebraskamasoniceducation.com Click here to read some of his story and to see photographs of L Company/331st Infantry. They were billeted in an old chateau that was, according to Hershell McIntosh, complete with a kitchen full of dishes and silverware. 100 Raoul Wallenberg Place, SW Infantrymen of the 83rd Division walk past Sherman tanks that have momentarily halted on a dirt road in Germany. The men of the 83rd Division weren't just on the front line. Not sure it happened here, well have to wait till I get through the reports. They were honored with 18 British Awards and 65 French Awards. The assault against the German 17th SS Division and 6th Parachute Regiment was slow and costly. We also get a position for the 329 IR HQ, the 330 IR HQ, as well the 1 Bn, 329 IR HQ. The division moved back to Belgium and the Netherlands for rehabilitation and training, 22 January 1945. France 52140 "Pershing" Donors. 83rd Infantry Division Documents - Fallen heroes of the 83rd Infantry Division You are here: Burial Listing Listing Navigation Fallen heroes of the 83rd Infantry Division This is an overview of all servicemen and women of units attached to the 83rd Infantry Division who are buried in Europe. These documents are provided for by Dave Curry, historian of the 83rd Infantry Division Association. FULL. He said he would take the job for 30 days to see how it worked out. 400thFA Battalion, from July 31st, 1944 to August 2nd, 1944 Heroes of the 331st Infantry Regiment, 83rd Division Those that sleep beneath our feet slumber in profound repose. Many soldiers were killed instantly.